Sunday 25 April 2010


Dari hari Jumaat hari tu aku patut post entry ni.

Last Friday, (gaya buat report) I had two significant things happened to me.

I have successfully received my confirmation letter from my company. It was a breathtakingly good news! probation period for 6 months went well..Hihi..

I had this Young Executive Club (YEC) Gala Dinner. Remember I was nominated to be the next financial year committee? Oh people, I won the vote. Of all the 20 candidates, I was selected to be included in the 10 winners.
Oh, Im nervous weh.
Sebab aper, I will be the representative for all young executives of my company. What a huge responsibility, I will take it now. Dulu aku reluctant, hurmm..because I dont want commitment. Tapi aku fikir, apart from jadikan YEC to club yang kasi fun activities to its members, I was thinking to be the platform for the young executives to voice up any significant issues. Kalau kat sekolah dulu, macam Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar la. Lebih kurang..
I got the idea sejak semalam bila makan malam dengan this one Commercial Division manager. Dia yang bagi idea untuk aku voice up this one issue regarding to our company. I will try my best oh. Doakan aku ok:)

ok, itu saja cerita untuk weekend ini.

Esok kerja.


Thursday 22 April 2010

So Deep

Some things touch your heart so deep..
and one of them is you..

Ya Allah, mudahkan lah urusan kami..

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Menyorok, Kecil kan Diri.

You all, bila I tuka url blog I ni..Ramai pula tanya mana blog pergi?
I said ada ja..cuma tukar url..

Sometimes I tak mahu sesetengah orang tahu how my life is.

Sometimes I rasa tak berbaloi pun untuk you all baca my ramblings ni, merepek kerepek merapu ikan kerapu ok..(see, mengarut terkarut tol).

Sometimes, I nak privacy so that I tak perlu filter ayat ayat I, tak perlu cover I nak express my feelings kat anyone I love. Or hate. Haha.

Sometimes, sometimes..sometimes...I nak be alone juga..Jauh dari hiruk pikuk dunia, jauh dari segala cela kata kata pedih menikam kalbu hatiku.

Dah dah..Mind my merepekness ok..Hehe. I macam nak rest tadi tapi I still nak tulis entry ni.

Jadinya, memang berapa kerat manusia je la yang tahu blog I ni..

Encik Sayang for sure tahu, everyday he will read my kerepekan ni..Kan yang?

Then my close friends..

And some family members.
Full stop.

Nanti satu hari, I akan go public secara meluas..Tunggu masa itu tiba ok..
Im not ready yet..
Till then, goodnyte.

Psstt..Sayang, cepat pulang tau..

Cik Muda

Serius, jangan terpengaruh dengan tajuk. I have nooooo ideas what to title my entry. Kuang kuang..:P.
Well, I woke up late today.
630 am you..I dah terjaga at 531 am but alarm tone yg baru itu tak berjaya sedarkanku dari mimpi indah.
Why late? Because normally I will wake up at 530 am..I bersiap lambat la..Sedang belajar untuk bersiap dengan cepat lar ni..Hehe..
So bila bangun lambat I memang gelabah berabis..hehe..
Housemate I yang I salu tumpang tu suka pergi kerja awal sebab nak rebut parking best..
Tapi I berjaya juga siap dalam masa 20 minit jer..Wah, what an achievement!
Yang bestnyer, Encik Sayang macam tau tau je saya terlambat bangun arini. Haha.
I woke up and he called and asked me where am I.
I said la baru bangun and he said pergi siap cepat and jangan miss solat subuh..
"Yer bang..."..

Eh aper la..Pergi cerita pasal bangun lambat. Tajuk pun dah memang lari habes.
Well, I nak share one issue with you.
I was nominated to be the committee of Young Executive Club (YEC) for my company. Baru nominated la..Dah la gambar untuk vote I, depa curik amek dari FB I. Ish ish..haha..itu kelakar gak ar..
On the other hand, I memang tak mahu jadi and tak mahu ada komitmen ni..
You, zaman university or skolah boleh lagi..Tapi bila dah kerja ni I memang tak mahu..:(.

You all rasa bagai mana ya? I memang dah fikir negatif pasal ni..sobsob..
I tak mao...

*apsal la I sounded mengada gedik nih, haha.*

Okla, you are welcome to drop any advices/comments/opinions regarding to the issue. Cewahs, macam serius nau je.


Okla you all..I nak rest..

Setahun Lebih, 10 Bulan dan 1 Minggu

Pertama kali jumpa kamu setahun dan 2 minggu yang lalu..
Waktu tu saya ingat kamu kerek orangnya..(haha).
Oh rupanya kamu memang begitu bila belum kenal..
Tapi bila dah kenal..aih, sungguh lain. Haha. Suka usik orang yer. Blueks.

Yang, thanks for everything ok...:)

Take care ok, malam ni kita sambung discussion masalah negara. Haha. :P

Tuesday 20 April 2010

The Decision Yields A Result

Fikir dan fkir, aku mahu ke mana?
Malam ini aku kan tahu..
Ya Allah, mohon petunjukmu...Always do..Please dont turn your back on me..

Monday 19 April 2010

Rindu Kuasa 2546345667568..

I really miss you, sayang...

Saturday 10 April 2010

Terima Kasih Allah...

Pagi yang buat ku terharu, tersentuh hati.
Alhamdulillah atas rasa ini.

Engkau diciptakan untuk bawa ku dekat denganNya, untuk bimbingku ke jalan yg diredhai-Nya.
Ya Allah, ini lah pilihanku..
Aku bersyukur atas segala nikmat..
permudahkan urusan kami Ya Rabb..

Tapi jangan sampai rasa kasih ini melebihi rasa kasihku padaMu Penciptaku..

Ampunkan segala dosaku Ya Allah..

Aku sayang Allah..
Aku rindu Allah..
Aku cinta Allah..


*Abang, Za salu notice abang suke dengar lagu ni..At that time tak tahu lagi lagu saper, then I secretly downloaded it..Thanks..:)

"I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my husband and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along...."

Thursday 8 April 2010


My new bedsheet! Encik Sayang also likes it! Lalalala..~

We have so many things in common, love you:)

I got myself a new pillow with lavender scent. It's a therapeutic pillow man..Cool huh?
Sah sah susah nak bangun pagi ni dan aktiviti tiduran akan makin pesat membangun. Har Har..

Ok, see you tomorrow! :)

Wednesday 7 April 2010


Kesian sungguh la kat awak.
Dah salah tu, tolong la admit salah awak.
Gemuk oh gemuk.
Lain kali jangan cuba bermain kayu 3 ya, kan dah kena.
Keras kepala ingat awak je betul.
Memang kesian..

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Kunci Hati Ku

Cewah tajuk, tak boleh blah. Kuang kuang.

Well, mari update sikit-sikit. (Gila, patut nya buat kerja tapi lagha kat blog:p ).

Sunday (4/4/2010)

-Aku terkunci dari luar bilik. It means that I cannot get into my room. Freaked out sebab esoknya I need to go to work. Cuakkk..

-Ketuk door knob dengan hammer secara bersungguh-sungguh. Konon-konon terer hebat lah ketuk-ketuk tengah malam di kala jiran dah nak tidur. Kena serang dengan jiran baru ku tahu. Har har but nasib baik tiada perang antara jiran terjadi.

-I gave up to ketuk-ketuk, tidur di bilik kawan. Sehelai sepinggan sepinggang. Handphone dan laptop semua dalam bilik. Baju kerja? Lagi lah terletak elok dalam almari.

Monday (5/4/2010),

-Terjaga sebab encik sayang buzz ku di Ym. Online guna iPhone member ku. Yer, aku memang tumpang barang orang sejak semalam. Har har..
-Dengan line internet yg kiok weng weng, memang sukar untuk chat dengan Encik Sayang. Nak cerita semua benda memang susah. For sure, he was freaking worried la.

-After performing subuh prayer, I called my boss. Pow member lagi guna phone. Muahaha.
"Boss, I ade emergancy kat rumah..I terkunci di luar bilik, tengah tungguh orang dtg repair".
Boss macam paham and he went:
"So you datang lambat la arini?"
"Yer boss". Hikhik dalam hati.

-Aku boring gile melepak di ruang tamu. Member dah boring teman aku di rumah, dia dah off to work and left me her phone. Aku tetap tunggu sambil tengok Air Crash Investigation sampai ternangis. Isk isk tragis gila:(. Terlalai tonton kotak bergambar, tv dan masih belum mandi sebab masih tunggu orang nak repair pintu. Kang mandi, takde orang nak jawap phone plak.

-Orang datang repair, pintu dah sembuh. Terus bersiap g kerja.
Muka lega kerna akhirnya dapat door knob baru.

-Right after arrived at my office, orang pakat dok tanya awat la hang lambat arini? (Tipu, mereka tak cakap Kedah, haha). Depa dok ingat aku cuti arini. Haha. Then I told them the story and derang tanya naper tak amek Emergency Leave (EL) terus? Damn, aku pekerja skema lagi tekun kot, tu yang sayang nak tinggal kerja walau sehari. Haha perasan. But hey, workloads memang mounting pun, tak boleh delay-delay dah. Suppliers dok email tanya soalan pelbagai.

Oklah, sekian cerita ku bertajuk "Kunci Hati Ku".
Kuang-Kuang jiwang.

Nak prepare skrip untuk engagement event with our new boss tomorrow.
Tiba-tiba perlu jadi MC pula.

Sunday 4 April 2010

The Decision

Just now I called my mom and we had a long chat.
We talk about things, from good to bad.

Right now I only have mom that seems to understand me well.
Of course la, I stayed in her tummy for 9 months.
I'm still thinking before I decide this.

I hope my decision wouldn't hurt anyone..
I'm sorry if it does..
Because it's gona change my life..:(

Saturday 3 April 2010

Sejenak Terlintas

Tadi bangun seawal 550pagi.
Solat subuh dsb..
Chatting dengan Encik Sayang.
Goreng bihun tomyam, cuci dapur, lap-lap apa patut.
Cuci pinggan, buat teh Earl Grey kegemaran.
Lantas aku ternampak Milo.
Teringat kisah housemateku yang lama, sewaktu mula mula sampai Bintulu.
Mari panggil dia A, bukan nama sebenar.
Ada seorang lagi housemateku (J, bukan nama betul) kene sound sebab dia minum Milo.
Ya, freaking Milo tu ya rakan-rakan.

Kata A kepada J, Milo kan boikot sebab product Nestle. so cubalah minum VICO ka.
My friend J tu pun cuba lah minum VICO.
Haha. Kesian J. Dia tak gemar VICO sebab tak sesedap Milo.

A tu pun pernah sound aku, dia cakap jangan spend time banyak masa sangat dengan boyfriend.
Silap nasihat ke ape.
Encik Sayang dok jauh tu, fikir lah before nasihat.

Aku paham dia tu type aktif usrah semua, tapi dulu kt university pun couple macam orang lain kan?

Pasal boikot tu, aku nak tegelak sikit.
Ya lah, nasihat tu nasihat jugak tapi aku harap kau nasihat dulu adik kau yang suka pergi Gig tu, yang free hair dan dye rambut tu..
Maybe kau boleh kurang kan jadi ekstrem dan perluaskan dakwah kepada family dulu?


Old Wound

Sometimes when I think about it, it hurts inside.

Because you used to be someone really close to me.

Damn, go away you bitter memories.
Go and drained yourself.

But I see you..-Mika.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Happy Moment-Twenty 5ive :)

Thanks for all the wishes people.
Heart you!
Sayang, thanks for singing to me last night.
Haha funny plak bila fikir.

Oh yeah, Celcom-Free-Call-On-Your-Birthday-For-One-Week. Cool ok, I can call my parents and my bakal mentua FREE for ONE freaking week! haha.
Excited pula.
So tadi I called lah my parents and my mama-to-be.

Happy indeed:).
Funny thing is:
Mama-to be was surprised to know that I suka makan ulam-ulaman and masakan kampung.
She said, suka juga ya makan macam tu..Ingat bila study overseas tak biasa makan makanan camtu..
No lah..
I suka ja ulam-ulam, sambal belacan, ikan bakar and air asam.
Fuh..Drooling you.

Last night I got surprised from friends who knocked on my door at 1.30am, brought me cake and sang me birthday song.
Sweet ah korang, thanks! :)

Tapi I still confuse about my career path..
Allah, help..

Okla, gona cook for lunch. Bye:)

The Lowest State

People, Im feeling down again.:(

This time is about my working life.

Not treating me well as I need to be really firm, strong, smart.
Sigh, I nak tukar department pun macam-macam hal.

I taknak jadi engineer, why nak question things?
Ok, fine. I will do research, will come out with justifications on WHY I WANT TO CHANGE MY CAREER PATH.

Urgh, kan best kalau kerja di company bapak sendiri. I wish lah.

Lets tell you stories:

  1. I met my boss, I went up to my old office (engineering). Everyone was like.."wow, lamanya kau kat department beli-beli barang tuh." Aku reply ah: "yerla, kan aku attached kat situ 6 bulan. Now baru 2 bulan". Then I talked to my boss for an hour, tu pun people nak hairan-hairan. Right after I got out of the boss's room, orang cakap lagi "lamenye kau kat bilik boss". Ala korang, concern gila. I have a lot to say ok. Thanks.
  2. Then jumpa this one colleague, a service engineer. He blamed me for all the technical evaluations he has to work on. He said, "Sebab kau lah kerja aku makin banyak. Bile ko attached kat department sane, ingat kau boleh evaluate items tu. Tengok ah bile aku nak siapkan.". What the hell man. Dah ar cakap depan boss and kuat-kuat satu office leh dengar. Aku replied ah. "I did my part, you're the service engineer so do your part lah. Kerja kau jadi banyak, it shows that me and others are doing our works.". Yes, I'm new but doesnt mean kau boleh attack and buli aku macm tu ok. I have my evidence kalau General Manager nak salahkan aku one day.
  3. This one girl, my friend. Dah la sebab bf die tinggalkan die hari tu because of she main kayu lapan with her ex. The ex is married. Now dah single, still nak involve dengan married man tu. Look who is digging her own grave now. Aku dah pesan, dont play with fire weh. Aku penat nasihat orang yang ada possibility kacau rumah tangga orang. Dah la tu, mari settle down dengan lelaki single ok. Aih, dah susah kawan ni gak kau cari.
Today I felt bitter, the most difficult day I faced in the past few months.
I cannot tell my parents about my working life problems, I cannot.:(
Nak bgtau kakak, she has her own family matters to settle. With two babies, I cannot be a crying baby to her anymore.

To tell mysayang, I dont want to distract his mind. He is still studying, tak bagus tahu lebih-lebih pasal kerja I.
Sayang, I know you will read this but Im gona be me. Ade lah tu solution nye nanti.

So my only option now is, my blog. Hehe

Eh, dah boleh ketawa.
I have problems too, but I will sort them out. Insyaallah I takkan diuji dengan ujian yang beyond my kemampuan.
