Monday 30 November 2009

I Seek Strength

Just got back from futsal training.
Kakak sepatutnya deliver baby on the 23rd Nov aritu but until now belum keluar baby tu.
It worries me.
Mommy is in KL, teman kakak dan jaga Myra. Myra is 1 tahun 10 bulan and will get a little sister, very soon.
Got a text from kakak:

"Tadi doc scan..dia akan induce esok..I tgh teringat kat Myra ni..huhu..teardrops on my pillow..huhu.."-Kakak.

The text touched me deep, rendered me speechless.
Kawan-kawan, please pray for my kakak ok..Moga semuanya selamat sahaja..Moga she can deliver normally..

Ya Allah, I seek strength from You..
I hope things will go as smooth as they should be..

And today is the first day of feeling Encik Sayang's absence.
I made myself busy, Im feeling better now..

Ok, gotta go.
Till then, adios.

Sunday 29 November 2009

Takdir Untuk Berjauh

Gigi bulat-bulat. Kanak kanak umur 8 tahun memang macam tu kot. =p

I miss you..
Myra dearie was a little bit unwell, hence the expression.

Salam and good evening people. Aku penat banget. Baru sangat sampai Bintulu. Semalm tidur sejam setengah saja, tapi berbaloi.
Journey from KL-Bintulu wasnt as smooth as it used to be.
It was raining heavily, we cannot landed at Bintulu airport as scheduled sebab tak selamat. Dalam hati aku amat risau, what if this is my last day? Please not, :(. Supposedly landed at Bintulu around 345pm, tapi disebabkan hujan lebat, sampai Bintulu at 430pm. Poor us.

People, I had 3 awh-some days starting from last Friday.

I arrived at LCCT at 6pm. Flight ke Penang pula delayed, patutnya jam 920pm tapi it was re-timed to be 1025pm. Aih, penat oh.
Abah fetched me up and sampai rumah at 130am.

Sebaik saja sampai rumah, I talked to mommy and waited for Kakak, Cenad, Myra and Abg Kerol to be home.
Kakak and family were safely arrived. Then I went to bed. Zzzzz..Penat.
Bangun dan bersiap-siap untuk raya. I made the preparation for our family's BBQ.
Cousins datang rumah, nenek jua datang. Aku sungguh kelam kabut, ditambah dengan tidur tak cukup, penat lagi. Tapi layannn je la masak-masak semua tu.
I waited for Encik Sayang to come for the BBQ.
We had our BBQ time, agak rushing tapi still suka the moments :).
Makan timeeee...
Encik Sayang pulang ke rumah. I thought that was the last time dapat lihat dia. Sedih amat that night, tapi control control. Kakak ku usik usik tapi buat tak layan =p.

I drove the little girls and kakak to nenek's. Met Paksu and Maksu too. Rasa cuak bila reverse kereta di rumah nenek sebab kekangan ruang. Haha alasan =p.
I had a special guest.

Off to Penang airport, tapi singgah jumpa dia sebentar untuk kasi barang. Terlupa. Oh last night wasnt the last time we met lah. Hehe.
Flight aku dan dia will be on the same day (Sunday) but with different locations and time.
Mine is at 810am, Encik Sayang's is at 1025am.
But but we managed to meet up for the last time. Kali ni memang terakhir kali la, met his mom and the rest too.
Was sad but happy at the same time.
I arrived at Bintulu and Encik Sayang is having a 9 hours transit..Sigh, lamanya.
We tried to contact via sms or calls but tak berapa berjaya.
I know he's far away from me now.
Im sad, still am.
I was thinking a lot, about my family back home and him. Rindu mereka, only God knows.
Never thought when my family gets together, meriah gila. Semua orang nak bercerita, nak usik usik. Ditambah pula dengan Encik Sayang's existence, memang happy.

3 hari yang gembira, but at the end I need to be separated from them.
I need to be separated from him too, the hardest thing to do.
At least, I still can fly to Penang and pulang ke rumah.
But Encik Sayang is thousand miles away from me, not reachable. In order to reach him, perlu duit beribu-ribu for flight tickets and cuti.

I had a lot in mind in the plane just now. Mainly semua nya kerana homesick.
Apart from that, aku fikir. How the long distance will affect me and him? Is it gona be good or bad?
The trust is there, I have faith in us.
We made some plans for the long distance. Hope they'll turn out well lah.

Ok, I need to have rest.
**After a few hours failed to contact each other, he suddenly called me from Singapore. Thanks, Hehe**

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Bye Bye You

Since last week, my days were fully occupied. Weekend pun kerja (acting=p )..So today (Khamis) saya dapat cuti. Yey!
Hari ni juga saya akan pulang ke kampung for Raya Haji yeah! Flight Bintulu-KL-Penang. Dalam 10pm sampai lah Penang. Sronotnya..di hari Khamis dapat berehat2. Hari ni tak kerja.
So what did I do yesterday?

710am - I sampai office, bumped into boss after a while tak nampak. Busy oh.
900-1200pm -I had this CCTV training. Me and my other colleagues caught this one man peeing in the plant. Kebetulan masa tu tengah configure cameras for the CCTV. Tergamam masa tu, tak sengaja ok.
430-600pm - Had makan makan with Jannah, Saufi and Fizi. Ammar and Bambang the daddy dah balik Kedah and Indonesia.
800-930pm - Had futsal training for the MAKSAK games (Swak games). I played with a Swak player. Hebat lah dia. I scored 1 goal, credit tu kaki kiri ku. =p. Saya cepat pancit since dah lama tak main, muka merah habis.
930-1100pm - Chill out, makan and minum at Selera Kampung.
1100pm - After 1 day yang sibuk, baru dapat bercakap dengan dia. Had a phone call with Encik Sayang.

Oklah, nak sidai baju. My flight is at 410pm. Bye bye You!

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Takdir Pelajar Sheffield

Tadi ada rakan Sheffield, YM aku:

Rakan: Halo
Me: Yo
Rakan: Aku dapat Bintulu. Haha
Me: *excited gila*. Yer?? Ada gang. Haha. ABF ke MLNG?
Rakan: ABF tu ape? Tadi Petronas call aku, katenye MLNG.
Me: Asian Bintulu Fertilizer. Oh yer?? Yey!! Meh2. Haha. Position ape?
Rakan: Tah, tunggu surat sampai.

And the conversation goes on..Bla..bla..sibuk tanyakan aku hows Bintulu..etc..

Ok, nampaknya dah takdir pelajar Sheffield untuk kerja di Bintulu. Haha.
Orang Perlis bila pula? Aku dengar kau pun Pet dah call? =p

The rain is pouring heavily. I feel cold, I am missing you. Where are you, sweetheart?

Saturday 21 November 2009

An Engineer, A Part Time Actress.

This weekend was the most exhausting weekend so far, I need to berlakon.
It's for my company's short film-documentary.
The shooting started on Friday afternoon and just ended today.
So sejak Jumaat petang hari tu (balik rumah jam 945mlm) hinggalah ke pukul 750mlm Sabtu aku begitu sibuk di set penggambaran.
Initially when the HR guy asked me to act, I thought it's just gona be a simple shooting using a handycam.
Siap ada proper make up artist ok, rimas gila rupanya bila make up yg 'super real' melekat dan bertepek di muka.
I had the opportunity to act, but tak perlu jadi pelakon/artis. Aku rasa cool sebab dapat cuba pengalaman baru.
Baru aku tahu, susah rupanya jadi pelakon ni.
Even for a simple scene (contohnya adegan menarik beg dan tiba di airport), perlu lakukan lebih dari sekali.
Masa scene di office pula, agak malu (malu gila actually) bila ramai sgt orang tengok masa shooting.
Aku berseloroh ada rakan-rakan se'lakonan':
"Im thankful for what Im doing now, rather jaga machine-machine atau buat design dari perlu berlakon berulang kali". Haha
Oklah, mari lihat gambar.
Basically ada 4 pelakon utama. Cewah, dah perasan.-Ravi, Lily, Azizul and Me.
Scene perlu bermesra di tepi kolam sambil bermain-main memercik air. We are straight btw =p
Adegan tak boleh belah. Jalan tepi kolam, ada tergelak-gelak sikit sebab dialog macam tuuutt.. Haha
James, the director. Creative gila dia ni.

Proper set you see. ;)
Behind the scene

I hope the documentary will turn out well. Next year ( January) dijangka akan siap dan will be presented not sure yet.


Im SOOOOOO TIRED. Seriously.
Aku harap dapat cuti Khamis ni.
Encik Sayang pun busy hari ni, tolong kakaknya pindah rumah and he's having a formal dinner in Sg Petani tonight.
Balik cepat tau..:)

Oklah, esok Ahad. Nak rest puas-puas. Jumpa esok ok?
Goodnyte! :D

Thursday 19 November 2009

Kau Buat Aku Rindu, Oh!

Tadi tengok facebook. (Kantoi lah, takda kerja lain dah =p )
Ada gambar Sheffield juniors. I guess they're new since album title pun "My Days In Sheffield" and gambar semua pun dalam lecture halls, depan Mappin Building.
Memang gambar typical untuk the freshies =p

They made me miss Sheffield, miss UK. Much!

It's not that I want to repeat the schooling days, no no please. Haha.
Why ha? Aku malas ka belajar? Im not sure of that but Im sure Im tired of having classes, seating for EXAMS, bla bla..You know they are all tiring but a lil bit of fun kan? Sometimes la.

Ramai orang cakap bila kerja akan rindu the schooling days, but not me. So far I dont feel that way.
I still remember I used to have this one syndrome when it comes to examination. I will be dreadfully nervous just to think of the first paper to come! Normally syndrome ni muncul the night before I seat my first paper for every exam. It will be very hard for me to sleep. Sigh, but things turned out well. Alhamdulillah.

One weird thing I discovered about myself is : Sometimes being a procrastinator is a blast for me. Haha, dont do this at home peeps! Examples?

Procrastination Scene 1:
When I was in my 1st year, I never studied, never do revision for this one module. The lecturer was a sempoi sempoi type, all the tutorials he sent via email memang I never did. Notes? I think only a few points I jotted down. The rest I left them blank.
The night before exam, baru lah I salin notes dari kawan I sorang ni. Well, it was not only me who did that. A few other friends also procrastinated =p.
I was really determined, memang tanak tidur malam tu. Tomorrow's paper was in the afternoon so I still have so much time to revise. Gila I know, but that's the fact. I had only a few hours to study. Study and study, I fell asleep at about 3am. Terpaksa tidur takut esoknya tak boleh jawap langsung due to tak cukup tidur yang extreme. After that module, I need to study another module, juga untuk paper yg sama. It means that, one paper I had two modules to study. Haih, penat but I managed to do all the tutorials and most of the past year papers. Bila tiba exam at about 130pm, I was really thankful to Allah. For the module I ignored, all the questions were taken from the tutorial Qs!!! See, can you imagine if I didnt do the tutorial Qs the night before? Mesti I menyesal punya. I smiled to ears after the paper. Even smiled more widely when I got the results, was an A. The highest mark of all modules for that semester. :D
Well I guess I was lucky at that time, I swear I wont do exams crazily like that. Anymore.

Procrastination Scene 2:
It happened when I was in my final year, final semester. Haha, again but not as extreme as before. There's this one module, there are 3 lecturers. So in exam, one paper but I need to study 3 subjects! The classes are on Friday, 1030am-1230pm. I was very lazy nak pergi every week, so selalu lah skip sebab masa tu rasanya buat FYP lagi bagus=p. (Alasan). Lagi kemalasan melanda bila I already got the notes, provided by the lecturer. Attendance pula tak perlu sign, haaa confirm skip! =p. Of all the 3 subjects, I was sorta lagged this one subject. So one day before the exam, baru kelam terkabut nak study. I ignored everyone before the exam. Haha takut kau. I was lucky, I had this one friend yg tiba tiba jadi study group mate dengan dia=p. Study through YM jer, but we managed to discuss some important parts. Esoknya, memang soalan related to the one we discussed itu keluar. Alhamdulillah, I did it well. Again, that module was the highest among all. Thank you to that friend sebab sudi study sama-sama. Hehe.

Scene 3-NO more procrastination.
3rd Year. There's this one module, almost all the seniors cakap susah. I was kinda scared juga, payah sgt ke weh? Why not just amek ja module tu? Actually, I susah nak percaya that particular thing until I try it myself. Lantas aku amek ja module tu, I managed to like the lecturer and the module itself. I admired the way the lecturer teaches us, rasa sayang sangat nak skip class. Serious loh, bes gila class tu. Apart from that, there's this one PhD student yg offer diri nak study group dengan aku dan Elly. So 3 of us, studied together dari awal sampai lah exam tiba. Cewah, kali ni memang rasa tenang ja bila exam tiba because I know I was well-prepared. Heh ;). Again, I scored the highest mark for that module in my 3rd year. Alhamdulillah again;). So now, kamu kamu nak senang percaya ka kalau orang lain cakap susah? Cuba dulu, You never knew how good you can be:)

The point here is,

  1. Jangan procrastinate, study sejak awal, nurture the interest and the fun bits of studying sejak mula.
  2. Kalau tak boleh blah sangat nak suka module tu, act as if you are the engineer for that field. Haha. Mesti kau macam semangat sikit walaupun perasan dah kerja =p.
  3. Kalau kau tak mahu jadi engineer, act as if you're preparing for a lecture. Tuka kerjaya pula, jadi lecturer. Ha, konon konon kau nak mengajar module tu esok, maka perlu lah be well prepared! :D
  4. Sometimes, its not how frequent, how long you study but the way you absorb all the ilmu. Have passion, dont study for the sake of exams sebab nanti kau mesti stress.
  5. Jangan study sebab orang suruh, tapi atas your own willingness. Bila kau rela, kau mesti tak stress kan?
  6. Plan your own schedule for everyday. Kalau boleh la. Tak semestinya jadual study, but "what to do today" pun dah bagus. I admit, aku dulu pun tak sempat nak study setiap hari, kadang2 langsung tak sentuh buku pun. Mungkin FYP yg merenggut komitmen terlampau. Aih, alasan ka tuh? That is why, bila tengok kawan-kawan study aku macam rasa tercabar sebab kadang-kadang tak sempat. But I know I will find my own time and try my own way untuk absorb the ilmu.
Ok, stop merepeking. Im not the right person to give tips or whatnot. But hey, ambil yg baik-baik saja dari aku. Yang buruk jangan ikut. Hehe.
Yang penting, perlu rasa tanggungjawap towards yourself. What that is?
Cari ilmu untuk diri sendiri lah, itu responsible kau.
Plus, MARA dah hantar belajar jauh-jauh, takkan nak kena hantar pulang sebab result yg memberi impak kepengsanan terlampau? =p

Oklah, its 748pm. Housemates dah ajak makan.

* Bila dah habis type, baru sedar entry ni panjang giles. Sorry for taking your time. Hikhik too bad you're still reading =p *

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Toilet, Bathroom and I

Entry yg ditulis weekend hari tu :D

Pagi, kawan-kawan! :D

I think I'm a riser since I managed to wake up at 524am and slept again =p. Oh abaikan.
Girl friends, suddenly I nak bercakap tentang toilet, bathroom, toiletries, make up or apa-apa yg sewaktu dengannya. ;)

Antara toilet/bathroom yang jadi favourite I selama ni adalah bathroom rumah I di UK dulu. Very comfy, together with awh-some lighting tau, a bath tub, a huge mirror untuk vain-is-not-a-crime activity and a proper large table where you can put all the toiletries :D

Currently toilet di office I. Oh, interior design, decoration serta bau yang never fails to let me down everytime :D. Kiranya, whenever I masuk toilet di office, memang dengan penuh suka-rela, penuh mood baik sebab toilets di office memang dijaga rapi, credit to makcik-makcik floor engineers :P. Oh yes.. havent you heard, I paling suka toilet yang dry, smell nice and of course tak kotor?

Even di rumah I sendiri pun, I memang particular tentang toilet, sebab itu bila boring-boring aja akan cuci saja toilet. I want my own toilet to be a place where I can release stress while having my long hot shower :D.

How about the toiletries?

Shower gel
Surprisingly, I would prefer to have more than one types of shower gel. (Haha). Sebab apa? Ikut mood lah nak guna yang mana:)
For yang a bit pricey, I prefer Casis Rose or any berries by Bodyshop.
Kalau yg biasa-biasa aja, I chose Johnson & Johnson, Echanteur (Desire).

L'Oreal will do:)

I use Clinique. Clinique gives you the comfort, soft feeling as it wont harm your skin. Lepas cuci muka, terasa muka itu ringan, bersih dan lega. Hehe

Make up?
Pergi office I takdela make up sgt, just guna compact powder and natural lipstick saja. Kalau I rajin, earth colour eye shadow and blusher.
For compact powder, I suka Revlon sebab the texture blends well with my skin. I also like the colour, suits my skin tone:)
Foundation tidak I gemari, leceh, nak wuduk perlu cuci betul betul. And terasa muka itu fake sebentar setelah muka itu concealed by the foundation =p.
Concealer pun I tak gemar, mascara pun. Leceh semua tu.
Unless I have ample time to make up or di kala 'tidak boleh solat'. Paham kan? Hehe.

Selepas mandi contohnya, lebih gemar put on Baby Johnson talcum.

ok lah, ini cerita hari ini.

I penat sgt, training seharian.
Balik saja rumah made nasi lemak for dinner. Housemates suka, yey!
Esok ada assessment-written test, oral and practical. Wish me luck!

Right, nak berehat.

Cik Fizah, Cik Lyne, Cik Nurul, Cik Pwincess Johanna dan siapa siapa lagi, I nak tag you all. Buat entry "Toilet, Bathroom and I" juga. Boleh?

Psst..psst..semalam berbual dengan Mama dia di corong telefon..its been a while since we last talked. She planned to go to Sabah. Sarawak pula? Hehe

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Aku dan Segelintir Perubahan

"A man sees himself in the eyes of the woman he loves."

Sejak bekerja, aku sedar ada perubahan pada aku:

  1. Bila tiba malam, aku cepat penat dan mengantuk. Kadang-kadang nak masak pun malas, ceh sejak bila lah aku rajin ni =p.
  2. Aku berjalan lagi cepat.
  3. Berat badan macam dah naik. Serius lah.
  4. Aku sudah tidak obses dengan shopping mall atau merabakkan poket a.k.a SHOPPING. Mungkin kadar keinsafan sudah signifikan. Im proud of myself. :D
  5. Aku makin hargai duit, proper financial plan sudah ada. Sikit sikit :)
  6. At the same time, I learn to respect my partner more. Tak tahulah, maybe it depends on who you are with. Kalau lelaki tu layan kau baik, respect kau, jaga hati kau, ada efforts untuk kau, hati kau pun tenang. Jiwa gembira saja:)
  7. Aku dah lama gila tak ambil gambar, edit dan upload di fotopages. Gambar di facebook pun malas nak upload. I just dont give a damn lah.
  8. Aku jarang tengok tv.
  9. Aku makin particular about 'bersihkan tangan'. Sebab kerja aku kadang-kadang pergi plant, ke sana ke mari. Terasa tangan kotor gila, maka baik basuh betul betul.
  10. Aku makin tiada life, especially living in Bintulu. What do u expect?
  11. Aku dah tak kisah aku tak beli baju baru. Hari hari pakai uniform, weekend plak nak pergi mana la sangat kan? Tell me why I should buy new clothes then? No need lah.
Another thing in common: Aku suka ikan goreng yg rangup, dia pun jua! haha apa lah.

Psst..psst..Encik Sayang terharu baca part ni:

Aku dan engkau,
Perasaan indah meniti hari-hari bersama,
Berkongsi kisah, bercerita selesa mungkin.
Buat aku senyum.
Engkau harapanku,
Untuk jadi pelengkap hidup,
Untuk jadi imamku,
Untuk jadi Walid untuk si kecil kita,
Untuk jadi teman terbaik di kala suka duka, tika tawa dan tangis.

ok lah, mau rehat.


Monday 16 November 2009

Kerana Kau

Kerana Kau Bintulu,

Aku hanya dapat lihat saja kawan2 aku pergi bercuti tanpa aku.
Aku dikatakan sombong kerana tak dapat join mereka. Aper, ingat tiket flight macam tiket bas ke? Suka suki mau beli anytime.

Aih, I feel left out this time.

Let's do it my own way.

Bye.Girl friends, I always wish we could spend more time together.

-Kay, I Love you too. Hehe. You know that.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Debaran Untuk Hidup Kita


Bila ku lihat mereka,
Begitu pantas berlari dengan waktu,
Mereka nampak begitu bersedia, terima apa adanya.

Kadang-kadang aku kagum, mereka terpilih agaknya untuk lalui itu, nikmati itu dan diduga begitu.
Aku tahu, masa aku tiba jua nanti.
Sudah tertulis, hanya tunggu masa dan ketika.

Aku dan engkau,
Perasaan indah meniti hari-hari bersama,
Berkongsi kisah, bercerita selesa mungkin.
Buat aku senyum.
Engkau harapanku,
Untuk jadi pelengkap hidup,
Untuk jadi imamku,
Untuk jadi Walid untuk si kecil kita,
Untuk jadi teman terbaik di kala suka duka, tika tawa dan tangis.

Kita makin hampiri detik itu,
Aku rasa makin dekat,
Aku sabar menunggu penuh debaran.

Lagi 14 hari untuk kita berjauh beribu batu, terpisah lautan.

Aku pasrah saja,
Banyakkan berdoa,
Dia lebih tahu apa cerita kita seterusnya.

Dunia kita masing-masing memerlukan kita,
Akur lah.

Kelak, kita akan ditemani rindu dan kekuatan untuk tahun mendatang.
Jumpa lagi..

Yang benar,
Kasih. :)

Tak Sehebat Ayat-Ayat Cinta

Selamat hari minggu.
Penat, jadual penuh sejak minggu lepas. Walau di hujung minggu.

Minggu lepas aku banyak training, tapi di Bintulu saja.
Kerap juga turun ke plant, ada masalah excessive current consumption. (ceh, no need beritahu sedetail ini kot).

Jumpa boss setelah sekian lama tak berbual. A pleasant feeling, inspiring, motivated I was. He said something to me. Something that brought my confidence back on track.
Lepas waktu kerja, pulang dan bergegas keluar kembali. For the first time ever I played BASKETBALL. (Cenad sila jangan gelak). We played for 2 hours, NON STOP. I sweated all over, tapi puas hati sebab terasa it's been ages tak bersukan. (Serius, aku makin gemuk, perlu work out).
After basketball chilled out makan and minum with Edwin, Darshini, Melissa, Kenneth and Jalen.
So Jalen told us how exciting it was to eat exotic animals-snakes, frogs, bats. Aih, serius nak muntah bila dengar especially when he emphasized on how sedap a frog can be!
Balik rumah at around 930pm, had a long hot shower and watched Nur Kasih. Heh, suka.
Was on the phone with Encik Sayang and slept 2 hours later.

Me, Jannah, Encik Zawawi (Remember the "Eh Nape Nangis Ni" entry?), Encik Ramli, Amar, Fizi, Saufi and Bambang went to Tatau (Try to pronounce it and shrug at the same time=p ). Tatau is located about 50km from Bintulu where you can get very cheap prawns!
Since we forgot to call the Tatau people before we came, udang tiada hari ni sebab it was raining heavily hence air sungai 'naik'. They call it as 'Air Besar'. Hehe what la.
At night, we had BBQ among us. It went well, mainly borak-borak and gossip2 saja since during weekdays everyone was busy with works.

Ok, I just finished watching 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih'.
Jalan cerita lemah, watak tidak kuat untuk refleks peranan masing-masing. Was a little bit frustrated, not as awh-some as expected. Agak terkejut bila endingnya begini: 'To be Continued'. Entah apa-apa.

oklah, it's private time baybeh:)

Last weekend, I got kakak a stroller since Amirah Alisya will get her little sister. Soon, very soon! :) Rindu ah! Serius.

Thursday 12 November 2009

Berakhir Saja

Dugaan yg aku tak mampu tempuh lagi.

Maafkan aku.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Perempuan Woko-Horlicks

Ok, someone has secretly read my blog again.
Hehe that's sweet darling (^_~)

What to blog about?
I have a lot of things to say, but the ideas will only pop into my mind bila aku on the way nak pergi office, bila mandi, bila jalan sorang-sorang, bila sedih, bila stress, bila marah atau bila aku jadi 'kaunselor pinjaman' where I will give FOC service to my buddies. Heh. What la, got no ideas pula. Tengah free ni weyh.

Lets talk about myself first. Ceh. Today I had a gate access training. The whole day, fairly tiring.
Apart from that, today is a new day, a new life for me. Dont ask why, it's all about my mission, the way I see things, my hopes and dream that changed. Personal life? Maybe ada sikit, just a tiny bit lorh.
New life means new plans. New resolution too! I looked through the so-called 'syllabus' for my assessment next year. In order to achieve new grade (naik pangkat lah sng criter), you need to pass the assessment. Susah weyh, serious.

I looked through the syllabus, I know what to achieve in order to pass, hence downloaded all the reading materials. Of course bukan setakat membaca, lepas tu aku perlu aim untuk jadi engineer yang serba tahu, skillful. Orang tanya apa pun, aku dengan pintar dan kreatifnya memberi solution. Makanya, aku perlu rajin turun ke plant lagi, join project sana sini. Kiranya banyak hands on lah.

Ok, mari jadi perempuan Woko-Horlicks! Ahaha.
Wok=kuali Cina
Horlicks=takda susu takkan sedap

Kalau dulu mula mula kerja aku sibuk nak balik pukul 430ptg, sekarang ni aku dah jadi slumber, balik pukul 6 or 7mlm pun aku dah tak kisah kot. Boss, tolong lah tahu. =p. FYI, pukul 7 di Swak sudah gelap gumpita, macam pukul 8mlm di semenanjung.

Oklah, selain jadi pekerja rajin, aku juga cuba untuk cuba aktiviti sampingan. Contohnya SPORTS! Just now I talked to this one lady, would like to join the volleyball's team. She said come on Friday or Saturday. Yey! Then apa lagi? Ok, nak cuba swimming, swimming suit dah beli sebulan lepas belum cuba lagi. =p

Lagi apa ya? Ok, dah la tu.

Apa-apa tentang my new life, later I tell you.


Monday 9 November 2009

Hidup Baru

549am, Tuesday. -Bintulu

New template, new life.

Last night was really torn, it pained me to hurt you that way everytime.

Im sorry.

Wish for a better tomorrow.

Gona get ready for work.


Eh, Nape Nangis Ni?

Rakan2, aku baru pulang dari KL. Kiranya hujung minggu lalu aku terbang ke KL sebentar. Melepas rindu =).

Malam sebelum aku pulang ke Bintulu, aku demam.
Malam selepas sampai ke Bintulu (last night) pun aku demam. Aih, low immunity.

Hari ini macam a 'bad day' for me. I left my daily pass untuk ke office. Sudahlah nak ke bangunan security itu jauh, kasut ku terkena sedikit lecak. Damn, tapi aku tak boleh lambat sebab nanti lagi lambat masuk office. Bila sampai ke security office, terus aku buat muka manis sebab dah tertinggal pass.

"Cik, pass saya tertinggal." Sengih, masih buat-buat senyum.

"Ok, mintak IC dik."

Lega. Aku cari cari dalam handbagku. Oh, my! I changed my handbag this morning, kebetulan semalam IC ku letak di luar purse sebab diperiksa di airport.

Aku agak blur, cuak juga.

"Er, ala. IC pun tertinggal." Aku buat muka **Sila lah faham saya =( **

"Lesen ade?" Kakak kaunter masih senyum, aku lega lagi.

"Ade ade.." sambil senyum lagi, terus aku hulur lesen aku.

Dapat saja pass sementara, aku bergegas ke office.

Aku jadi nanar sebentar, entah kenapa. Semua serba tak kena. Sampai saja office, aku cari boss tapi tak ada. I think I had something to talk dengan boss. Hurm.

Actually, dalam flight otw ke Bintulu semalam aku ternangis. Kebetulan, Encik Zawawi yg kenal aku was just sitting in front of me.

I heard he called me.

Aku pandang dia, obviously masa tu mata aku berair. Aku cuba sengih, Encik Zawawi terus tanya. Agak kuat la juga, sampai orang sebelah dia pun pandang aku.
Kau tahu apa dia tanya?
"Eh, nape nangis ni?"

Haha, what a shame.

Dengan slumber aku jawap "Homesick lah En Zawawi" =p.

Malu ah.


Thursday 5 November 2009

I Saw You Before I Met You, Oh.

Mari imbas kenangan itu =)..

February 2009

Di Februari lepas, I chatted with my little brother in Egypt.

Adik : Kak lang baru beli Nikon D40 kan? Kawan ateh ada Nikon D80. Nak tgk tak? Cantik gak gambar-gambar dia amek.
Me: Boleh gak..photosharing jom..Erm..cantik..amek katner sume gambar-gambar ni?
Adik: Gunung Sinai..

Untuk rujukan masa depan, I saved all the pictures given to me. Mana tahu, dapat kongsi ilmu fotografi.

Masih tiada apa-apa..

March 2009
Adik aku di Egypt begitu mahukan aku ke sana, to give him a visit.
Aku tak mahu, jauh kataku. Lagipun flight ticket ke sana agak mahal (ish ish..kedekut pulak di situ). Hehe.
Adik hampir kecewa dengan aku.
Tak sampai hati biar adik merajuk, ku beli juga tiket ke Mesir.

April 2009

Awal April..
Aku ke Mesir. Di samping tunaikan hasrat adik untuk melawatnya ke sana..Aku ambil peluang untuk berjalan-jalan juga. Di tanah suci, bumi Anbiyak itu..Bumi penuh berkat..Kali pertama jumpa Encik Sayang.
Dalam hati sudah ada rasa, namun dibiarkan sahaja. Diam, penuh rahsia.
Masih juga tiada apa-apa terjadi..

Akhir April..
Aku dan Encik Sayang mulai kenal satu sama lain.

June 2009
Mula ada rasa yang tak terungkap. Indah, hari-hari penuh senyuman. Bahagia, kami sahaja mampu ertikan.

Ogos 2009
Pertama kali bejumpa semula, kali ini di tanah air sendiri.
Kami bukan berseorangan, turut ku jumpa keluarga nya, same goes to him. Hari itu hari Sabtu, Sabtu yang indah, Sabtu penuh makna.
Bermulanya episod baru dalam hidup kami.Lihat, betapa aku gembira di Sabtu penuh makna itu.

September dan October 2009
Masa berlalu..Makin mengenali diri masing-masing.

5 November 2009.
Aku dan dia masih meneruskan ikatan yg ada.
Di suatu malam, aku membuka gambar-gambar lama.
Terjumpa gambar yang satu tu..

"eh, macam ku kenal.."

Aku lihat dengan lebih teliti. Itu gambar Encik Sayang, yg adik aku beri Februari dulu. Setelah November baru aku sedar, lelaki dalam gambar itu ialah dia. Kenapa selepas 9 bulan baru aku sedar yg aku sebenarnya sudah 'lihat' dia sebelum aku jumpa dia April dulu?
Oh Tuhan, aku sudah lihat miliki gambar dia sebelum aku bertemu dengannya..

Aku kagumi, alhamdulillah..

Doakan kami..terima kasih =)

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Traffic Light Pada Dahi

Tadi aku terfikir, andaikan dalam diri kita ada 2 lampu isyarat utama.
Lampu itu terpampang di dahi.
Ia nyalakan Hijau bila kau berbuat baik, Merah bila kita berdosa.

Agak-agaknya lah kan, dalam seharian kita, lampu mana lagi banyak bernyala?

Nota kecil: Stress dah kurang, mungkin dah ke tahap minima teramat. Alhamdulillah.

Monday 2 November 2009

Sindrom BBW

**I wrote this when I had free time this morning.**

It's raining heavily here in Bintulu. I was supposed to go to the plant but the visit was cancelled due to the heavy rain.

Lately Bintulu had this 'crazy' and unpredictable weather. When the sun shines brightly, the rain drops can appear in a minute or two. Since yesterday aku bersin dengan kekerapan yg significant.

Selepas bersin secara normalnya badan akan lemah, kepala sedikit pening. In addition to the great boredom I had last weekend, the bersin+boredom fatigued me. Indirectly.

Until I finally discovered a syndrome called the 'BBW'. BBW stands for Boring Bintulu on the Weekend. (Sila ketawa secara kecil-kecilan)

(Sila tukar ke nada serius pula).

After a number of researches carried out, BBW syndrome is believed to have its own vaccine. Antara vaksin yg dikenalpasti adalah berupa aktiviti sampingan, for example sports, photography session, membeli sambil menipiskan poket (shopping) dan pergi buat facial atau SPA.

Several analyses made and here's the outcome:

-maybe I could try playing volleyball. Again. After errr..brapa tahun ya sudah tak main volleyball. Surely my wrist akan lebam, merah2 dan sakit.
Photography Session.
-Oh, my NIKON boyfriend. Although Encik Sayang is not here with me, I still have NIKON baby. Lalala..Jangan marah yer Encik Sayang, you're still the one and only for me..hehe. Well, since Bintulu ada juga view menarik especially bila tiba lewat petang. From the seaside, you can see the plant. Beautiful, tambahan pula when you see the flame that is flaring up into the dark sky. Imagine..imagine.

-Ni tak perlu tanya. To be honest, Bintulu tak banyak choices pun. Ada bagusnya, I can save money.

-This is what my colleagues normally did in Bintulu. The price? Depends on the package but relatively, the price is not much different from the peninsular.

The rain is already stopped. Tak jadi pergi plant but I need to have a discussion.

ok, bye.Malam terakhir sebelum pulang ke Bintulu. Oh, sakit rumah I am =(

Sunday 1 November 2009

Tak Mungkin Lupa Kamu.

SundAy in BintuLu wAs fReAkiNgLy bOriNg.
WhAt dId I do?

  • I hAd a LonG ChAt With a fRiEnD. AgAin, jAdI pArt-tImE kANnsEloR.
  • LipAt bAjU. AmAzEd wiTh MySeLf sEbAb I tAk gEmAr LipAt BAjU SgT. tApI tErpAksa rAJiNkAn dIri. :)
  • hAd a pHonE cOnvErsAtion wiTh hIm fOr 7 TimEs. I rEpeAt, SEVEN TimEs.
  • ThEre'S tHis oNe GirLfriEnd oF mInE. sHe wAs mAd aT mE and StiLL iS. Ah, mY bAd.
ok, surrender.
I wonder why some people suka type macam tu?
Penat gila ok, penat. I mean it.

Anyways, Nik sayang. Please jangan merajuk sudah. I didnt mean to hurt you. Really want to meet up but it's all about time. PIPE gila fully occupied. Ok, alasan mungkin padahal kau tinggal Bangi ja.

The trouble is, you're not the only friend yg disappointed dgnku. Serius, PIPE tu malam2 pun ada kelas. Tak pun group discussion. Selalunya discussion habis at 12am. Ah, stress bila igt balik sebab tak dapat jumpa.

Kay darling, wish could be there for you. Like we used to do, whoever ada problem among us we're gona hug each other. Hehe. I'll try to make it this Saturday. Tapi tak boleh promise heh.


esok Isnin, kerja. Rabu ada course.

Oh Jumaat, cepat datang!