Friday 27 June 2008

Im In Malaysia !!

yuhuuu!!! finally..dah sampai Malaysia..
and banyak bende baru yg aku kene thing in mind aite now is: MY NIECE!

first time i saw her..i think she was damn cute! now die dah 5 bulan..gigi bawah die baru tumbuh 2 batang haha..cute giler's some pics of her..
ok peeps..
im waiting for another arrival from egypt. it is supposed to be a surprise actually:)..only kakak, abg kerol and omma je yg tau surprise ni..:) my little brother is coming back too!!!:)

later :)

Saturday 21 June 2008

Leaving on A Jet Plane..

hi people..
im leaving tonite..
doakan saya dan han selamat..
since recently i heard orang2 di airport sumer dah strict pasal berat2 luggage nih so im quite worried..

train ke Manchester Airport pukul 411pm..

gudbye loves..

dont miss me hikhik..mmuuacchss!!~~

Thursday 19 June 2008

Dia Datang Lagi..

Morning peeps..i just woke up..last nite i went to bed early as 12am. awal la kan untuk insan yang tgh cuti dan xde keje ni hehe..

tgh pagi pagi tadi (around 220am..) aku dikejutkan dgn satu panggilan. to be honest i was shocked with the call.

alhamdulillah..doa aku terjawab..aku bersyukur ..terharu..

then tibe2 rase perut sgt pedih (dh lame tak komen pasal my tummy hehe)..pedih dan berbunyi..nak turun bwah ke dapur tapi mase tu jam menunjukkan pukul 3pg..FYI, bilik aku terletak di tingkat 3. jadi bayangkan lah betapa reluctant nyer aku untuk turun dan makan..3am in the morning..i dun think my gastric coming again??? urgh..

today is friday..yey!! my flight is tomorrow..8pm @ Manchester Airport..sgt excited! tiket train untuk ke airport dh beli..dalam 5pm sabtu gitu train ke Manchester Airport..sgt excited..yey!

btw, my lil sis (Cenad yang kurang Comel berbandingku) ade berpesan kpd ku untuk dtg menjenguk die di Intec sblum aku pulang ke Perak..yerla..sbb smpi je KLIA aku balik KL dulu rumah kakakku planned kami akan ke Shah Alam untuk jumpe Cenad a day b4 aku balik Perak..yey..pegi melawat budak gumuk (haha..jgn mare Cenad)..ala kami dah biaser panggil each other Gemok. i called my sis, her baby and Cenad as Gemok since derang mmg G***k. hakhak..=p..tapi takper..itu lawak2 mesra keluarga..anda diluar sane dinasihatkan agar tidak meniru aksi ini di rumah..

Akibat Tidur Petang

petang ini aku tidur. seronok rupenyer tidur petang. patutla ade orang tidur petang.
naper aku tidur petang?sbb smlm aku tidur 4 jam jer. yerla..tidur lambat..dlm 4pg cmtuh..tapi bgn kol 8pg..
bgn2 tidur petang aku dikejutkan dgn pelbagai panggilan. Ym, call, Sms. terasa sgt diperlukan dan sgt femes (haha).

sorry la korang..i just realised yang best rupenyer tidur ptg2 gini.

lepas settle kn dgn orang2 yang memerlukan aku tuh, aku kemas bilik (untuk ke berape kali dlm mnggu ni aku pn tak pasti). kemas luggage nak balik msia lagi.
aku dgr orang ckp, since harge minyak dah naik, limit berat luggage pn dah makin strict.
kawan kpd kawan aku yg dah balik msia dan naik airlines same dgn aku (Emirates) ade inform, limit die mmg 20kg. urgh.

timbang luggage tadi. ops! cukup2 20kg. tu kasut2 tak masuk lagi. toiletries pun tak kemas lagi (dijangka penambahan berat makin mendadak). hand luggage plak aku plan nak bawak beg laptop jer. . ingat nak bawak bag pack tapi mcm tak bes jer. hand luggage plak limit mmg 7 kg.

then dah kemas2 and packing2...berehat kejap and tulis blog ni. owh, kepala mmg weng2 sekarang nih. this is the price to pay. kepale pening after tidur petang. mcm sakit pn ader.
tak bes nyer feeling ni.
harap2 mlm ni tak insomnia lagi. kalau tak mesti aku akan berfikir pelbagai perkara lagi. jangan2.

aish..aku rase hati ni mcm sedih tapi tak menangis plak...semalam tak dapat tidur sbb fikir bende ni la. aku rase aku dah buat keputusan muktamad even hati ckp jgn. jgn ikut hati zakiah, ikut akal fikiran. kdg2 hati kan boleh menipu.
ergh...betol ke ek keputusan aku buat ni..tahla..aku doa la kasi petunjuk..hurmm..aku kene fikir bnde ni untuk 5-10-20 tahun akan dtg..tapi aku tak mampu fikir sejauh tu lagi..:(
honestly, aku sayang banget tapi aku tahu bnde tu takkan ke mane.

ape2 pun, maafkan aku kepada yg terlibat. sesungguhnyer aku manusia biaser yang tak sempurna. selalu buat silap. kadang2 aku tak sedar kate2 aku dah sakitkan hati orang (even aku tak pernah fikir nak buat cmtuh pun)

maaf lagi..

oh aku juger telah kecewakan someone hari ni. sorry, tak berniat nak tolak tapi aku mmg tak boleh make it. lagipun aku tahu aku freaked out. my bad..tah biler la aku akan comfortable dgn pelawaan sebegini :(

oh ya..lagi satu..i wonder why i am being repulsive..aku tak berminat untuk ape2 pun sekarang...
yang aku tahu aku nak balik msia..lagi sehari je (yey!!!)


Wednesday 18 June 2008

Trouble Sleeping

it's 210am and i still cant sleep. i was tossing and turning but nothing can close my eyes and lead me to any sweet dreams...
listened to my mp3. old songs played. some memories suddenly popped into mind.

without thinking of any particular person, i felt rejected these days. by some people. why i thought so?

i think i was rejected when they behaved differently these days. became more cold. i miss those warm greetings from them. sometimes i think they just disappearing from my life..slowly..bit by bit..

i felt rejected when i think that im not that important to you.

i felt rejected when i was the one to be blamed.

sometimes i really want to tell you this: "u pained me to know that i have to be off from ur life as i have to"

i put myself on ur radar but no detection at all. i did not exist. i dont have that particular chip to be detected by ur radar. maybe the chip is damn expensive that i cannot afford. maybe i had the chip once but ive lost it or maybe ur radar is kinda cheap ones that cannot detect my expensive chip. maybe ur radar and my chip are not synchronised..or maybe our wavelengths are different.

(i know i blabbed much in this post.. my bad)

once again to remind u'all, this post is not telling about a particular person. only.

i cannot stay any longer. i have my own life too.

Survey 4

1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
:: ratio yang giles with the surprise.
2. What were you doing at 0800?
:: in bed
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
:: eating nuggets
4. What happened to you in 2006?
:: memories
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
:: im tired!
6. How many beverages did you have today?
:: one
7. What color is your hairbrush?
:: purple and black. light green. i have 2
8. What was the last thing you paid for?
:: meal
9. Where were you last night?
:: room
10. What color is your front door?
:: brown
11. Where do you keep your change?
:: purse
12. What’s the weather like today?
:: gloomy
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor?
:: vanilla
14. What excites you?
:: excitements
15. Do you want to cut your hair?
:: nope. i just love it as it is
16. Are you over the age of 25?
:: young single and free
17. Do you talk a lot?
:: depends
18. Do you watch the O.C.?
:: nope. i prefer OTH and gossip girl
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
:: my coursemate
20. Do you make up your own words?
:: depends
21. Are you a jealous person?
:: depends
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’
:: amirah alisya yg chubby baby
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.
:: kay
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list?
:: azraai
25. Do you chew on your straw?
:: no
26. Where’s the next place you’re going to?
:: MALAYSIA!!! cant wait!!
27. Who’s the rudest person in your life?
:: cant name them
28. What was the last thing you ate?
:: food
29. Will you get married in the future?
:: tengokla cmner. im not into commitment. thanks
30. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
:: i didnt watch any
31. Is there anyone you like right now?
:: yes but i was rejected. so goodbye
32. When was the last time you did the dishes?
:: recently
33. Are you currently depressed?
:: fat and happy
34. Did you cry today?
:: maybe
35. Why did you answer and post this?
:: fun

NEXT Survey:
17 of the MOST Spontaneous Questions

1. What do you want for your birthday?
:: NIKON d60, a car, chace crawford,
2. Are you missing someone?
:: yes.but i was rejected
3. When was the last time you went to the mall?
:: last 2 days
4. Are you wearing socks right now?
:: no.
6. Have you been to the cinema in the
last 5 days?
:: no.
7. What was the last thing you had to
:: plain drinking water.
8. What are you wearing right now?
:: s.e.c.r.e.t
9. What was your last purchase?
:: tonnes of chocs! yummy!
10. What was the last food you ate?
:: nugget
11. Who would be the person you would
call if you were up in the middle of
the night and couldn't sleep?
:: i don't know.
12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
:: yes *SMILE*
13. Do you have a pet?
:: no. i want a dog. (haha)
14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days?
:: nothing.
15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
:: in someone's heart and myself without pimples. (dem)
16. What is the last thing you
purchased online?
:: nothing.
17. One thing you hate about yourself?
:: im slim and slender. haha

NEXT survey:
#What is your favorite talk show?
#If you could be another race would you?
#What did you last color with a crayon?
#What is on your bed?
tiny me.2 homeless bears
#What is your favorite thing to drink when you first wake up?
#Have you ever been to jail?
#Have you ever caught some one in a lie?
yeah. stupid duh!
#Have you ever flirted with a cop just to get out of a ticket?
#What do you think about clothes with polka-dots?
cute.innocent.naive.sweet.just darling.but it depends on the clothes though.
#When you see a WAY overweight person does it gross you out?
#Who do you love?
my family n friends.
#What kind of purse do you use?
a liz claiborne's. just bought it last sat. it was nice:)
#What brand is your purse?
liz claiborne:)
#Ever broken your cell phone?
#What are you thinking about right now?
#Do you rather write with a pen or pencil?
#If you could have 1 thing for free right now what would it be?
someone's heart. hakhak
#Are you currently in a romantic relationship?
#When is your birthday?
2nd April
#How often do you watch the news?
#What was your best subject in school?
Lukisan Kejuruteraan
#How many meals a day do you eat?
depends on my mood sweetheart.
#Have you ever had braces?
#Do you have a good memory?
maybe.Insya Allah.
#What is your biggest wish?
i'm not sure.
#Do you like rainbows?
#How old were you when you shared your very first kiss?
never been kissed.
#Are you scared of airplanes?
nope u dope.
#Do you fear heights or the dark more?
#Are you a heavy sleeper or a light sleeper?
#Do you like junk food?
bleh la.
#Have you ever experienced insomnia?
#Do you believe in God?
yes.without a doubt.
#What's your religion?
#Are you scared of death?
#Did you ever believe that monsters existed when you were a child?
#Are you good in math?
once i got the highest mark among 3rd batch Seremban Mara College (kMS). i was really happy and satisfied.alhamdulillah :)
#Do you follow or break rules?
break seems to be more exciting.follow sounds dull.


saya tak suka orang yg hanya pandai berkata-kata manis.
sedangkan realitinya taklah seindah kata2.

saya tak suka orang yg berjanji2. memberi harapan.
cakap tak serupa bikin.

tahu kan betapa saya tak suka

kamu telah memualkan saya.
mual mual.

sorryla. segala buzz tidak akan dilayan kerana saya mual amat.

*emo? anda ada masalahkah?*

Sunday 15 June 2008

The Break Up

pagi tadi saya berbual panjang dgn seorang teman.
diskusi kami agak menarik-the break up.
1stly, if u think this topic is a little bit sensitive for you, stop reading and close my blog's window, please.

oh dunt get us wrong, bet us there's no one yg baru lepas break up.
i wont elaborate on what we have discussed in details.
after we were sharing our stories (plus from stories i've read in forums-quite active joining forums nowadays), i've come out with some keluhan hati yg diluahkan oleh para wanita yg telah heartbroken. sorry to say but in this topic i would like to emphasize on women's cases only. at the same time i replied those keluhan hati.

1) " all this while, he was the closest person to me..he called me everyday and woke me up too..but now everything's gone."
-pity u girl, maybe next time u shud use ur own alarm to wake up..and do not let ur ex (or ur future bf) to be the closest person to you..yes u can tell ur problems to him but please open ur eyes..u have some other important people in life-family..BFF (best friend forever)..ur girl friends..sometimes girls understand girls more than guys do.

2) " i never thought that he would lie to me. i trusted him much."

-oh's not surprising for men to lie especially when it comes to "having another girl' case..even some husbands lie to their wives..percaya boleh, tapi bukanlah 100%.

3) "i cried a lot but nothing he did to calm me down"
-please dun cry in front of him or please dun let them know that ur crying for the break up..some guys are just proud to hear u cry. it would make them think that ur needing him badly (though it is right sometimes). even worse, ur tears will boost up their egos. be strong, dun waste ur tears. surprise him with the strength u have inside. plus, guys dun like weak girls.

4) "i gave him maybe some materials!)"
-it was good for being nice, but please dun over show ur generosity. dun make it too obvious or too excessive. i heard some girls cook for their BFs (almost everyday)..make them clothes (baju melayu..etc..awww..)..sweet mmg la sweet tapi sound terlalu baik utk seseorang yg belum tentu milik siapa..bak kata pepatah: buat baik biar berpada-pada..jahat usah sekali.

5) "i cant live without him"
-ops sounds scary but that's what has been said by some newly-heartbroken girls. i accept if u say this: "it's weird when he's not around..". cmon, be independent and live life to the fullest.

6) " i cant get over him"
-yes i know u would say this in the first one or two weeks maybe (but if i still hear these words for the next 8 months, i'll be worried then).
hey, life is short..make nice to others..buat kerja amal..make urself fully occupied with some's going to be fun!

having ur heart broken is painful i know. tapi sampai bile nak menangis and terfikir2 orang yg ntah peduli entah tidak?

sepatutnye kamu bersyukur kerana Allah dah bagi sign awl2..lelaki itu bukan untuk kau nikahi..

and please reduce the rate of crying..the more u cry, the more u will get hurt, lose appetite, lose weight..lose smile. aish..sounds ugly la dear..get urself pretty again (kalau dah mate lebam2 nanges cmne la rupenye yer?) confident.

lagi..please dun rush to find a new rship..let it come naturally..lets nature do its job..
when u rush into a new rship, the next person might be a 'rebound BF'. kesian pula pada ur new guy tu..

*rebound BF/GF-u chose him/her to get over ur heal ur broken heart..if ur ex is coming back to u..anytime u would leave ur rebound BF/GF..too bad huh?*

yeah i know it's easy to say these but all i want is to be as positive as i could.

if a man wants u nothing can keep him away...
if he doesn't want u nothing can make him stay...


"nobody can hurt you without ur permission-Mahatma Gandhi"


one day, ade kawan saya bercerita. erm it's more to telling other people's dark side. ergh.

die bagitau yang die terkejut dgn kawan die yg berubah (i wonder bile die 'kawan' dgn kawannyer tersebut). setahu saya mereka tak pernah pn berkawan. kalau setakat kenal2 gitu ajer saya setuju.

since saya pn kenal si kawannyer itu, maka saya pn tanya la ape yg berubahnyer..?
berubah menjadi lebih sosial katenye..
saya tanya lagi..sosial as in..?

die menjawap: "yerla..dah pandai *********"

ergh...terlalu personal utk saya luah di sini.

saya diam saja mendengar cerita yg kununnya menarik.

bagi saya, saya tak tahu pn kalau si kawannya itu benar2 'berubah'.
menjadi worse kah si kawannya itu?
atau itu mmg gaya hidupnya..tetapi sebenarnya tidak diketahui oleh teman saya ini (dia anggap dia kenal si kawan berubah itu)

saya renung kembali.
bila fikir2 si kawan yg bercerita ini bukan pernah kenal sebegitu rapat pun.

saya tak setuju si teman mengatakan si 'kunun2 kawan yg dah lama kawan' itu dah berubah.

sejauh mana kau kenal dia untuk kau kata dia berubah?
atau kau yang terlalu ambil tahu hal orang lain dan tidak merubah dirimu ke arah yg lebih baik?

susah nya untk saya luah tapi the point is, usahlah kita claim yg kita sgt knal seseorang itu dan bercerita pada orang lain pula yg orang lain tu dah berubah. mungkin kita kene jaga diri kita dulu,keluarga kita. takut2 ada perubahan lagi besar.

jika kau terkjut dgn life dia yg sebegitu, kau sendiri yg overrated dia selama ni. overrated yg dia tu nampak innocent dan diam. when u see the other side of him (mungkin die mmg mcm tuh selame ni kau yg tak perasan)..kau mudah melatah ..
ahh...tak gemar begitu.

bersangka baik tak salah, tetapi jgn sampai overrated seseorang itu. kamu yg melopong nanti.


Friday 13 June 2008

..When Summer Begins..

oh's summer done with my last paper today. actually after keluar dari exam hall, i saw my lecturer-Dr Alan Tennant ( i mentioned about him in one of my entries-Akibat Beniat Malas). Terkejut pade mulenyer..yerla..1st time in 3 years of studying here, ade lecturer yg tunggu kt luar exam hall after exam abes..macam zaman sekolah dulu dalam hati saya ade rase..terharu..dalam hati rase tersentuh hehe..concern rupenyer Dr Alan..FYI, die seorang yg sempoi2 sajer..nampak slumber je aja kitorang..tapi okla..concern lagi..hope marking pn linear je insyA..
mase nampak Dr Alan tu rase nk ckp je..thank you..hurmm tapi aku pergi mcm tu jer..aku senyum jer kt dier.
then rase lega..exam habis ! summer holidays baru saje mule..yeah..even orang lain dh lame 'merdeka' tapi aku tak kisah je..
yerla..semalam ramai je yg dah abes exam .and mase saat orang lain dh merdeka..aku dan beberapa rakan lain -Elly, Rahman, Eric, William, Steve masih study utk paper last kami..tapi okla..kami ttp tabah hehe..Elly lagi la 'diuji' ..pagi2 tadi (paper kami ptg)..housemates die keluar shopping pegi outlet..kesian die hehe..

hurmm..balik rumah aku rase bebas..actually bnyk bnde yg aku dh pk akan buat after exam..

  1. kemas bilik..nk vacuum la..
  2. masak beriya2..hihi-carbonara, nasi ayam..(tu je yg ade dlm mind for the time being)
  3. self-manicure =p
  4. keluar shopping tuk brg2 balik msia..
  5. packing barang tuk balik msia..
erm yg tu je yg ade dlm mind sekarang even mase exam aritu byk je bnde yg ingin dibuat..

ok. now only a week to go before i get back to my beloved malaysia..the other day when i called home, banyak la plak request dari my youngest sister. she wanted me to buy a barbie set-hair dressing barbie..she claimed her birthday pressie too..i told her, i got her some presents already. baju, soft toy, Paris-Disneyland keychains, hair band..sumer dah ader..she was giggling to hear that hehe..such a cuteness la adik..i wonder how is she now..she's just 7..(on this 23rd June)..i also told her that i got Baby Lisya (our niece) some clothes too..harap-harap die ok with that..yerla..budak2 kan tend to get jealous bile kakak die be nice to other people (she is)..tapi die ok jer..sbb die pn mcm dah faham yg Baby Lisya tu anak sedara die and kecil lagi..

for mom, i got her a handphone. just like mine. sorry to my siblings, no personal presents this yr..sbb selalunyer aku akan bli each of them present..tapi taun ni not likely..cukuplah public presents-chocs..etc..

ok. enuf.

im tired yet im just happy for lazying around like this. hehe

Thursday 12 June 2008


Ya Allah..berkatilah ilmu ku..
permudahkanlah urusan pembelajaranku..
esok last paper..

*lakukan yg terbaik ya Zakiah Abdul Mutalib*

*bahagia itu adalah ketenangan..*

Wednesday 11 June 2008

My Cuddly White Potato

mommy..i hate papparazi..

oh yeah...


yesterday i was chatting with my 'white potato's' mom..(my sis)
she uploaded some of her baby's pics. how i miss that little cuddly.

yey..9 days to go for my little hunny bunny..sugar plum..cutie pie ;)

Tuesday 10 June 2008

To Whom It May Concern

to whom it may concern;

i know ur kinda baik2 nyer type..everyone knows that.
but i duno what is wrong with you.
everytime i try to be nice to you, u mesti akan piss me off with ur sarcasm. i think u better watch out your words la dude..
kalau u alim macam mane pun tapi hati orang lain u xpandai jage..ayat u sentiasa menyakitkan ati orang..or orang lain respect u (mungkin derang tak tau this side of you)..i wont respect u.
i met a lot of other alim2 nyer orang tapi derang tak macam u ni..sentiasa gune ayat yg sakitkan hati. kalau pandai agama, mesti tahu bertutur kata dan jaga hati orang kan?
even orang yg ilmu agama die tak banyak sangat pun tahu jage tutur kate and jage hati orang lain..
no wonder la if ade orang yg tak suker or tak puas hati dgn u pn.
i would not surprise..

this is not the first time u buat mcm ni tahu tak..
seriously im just tired having this kinda person around. urgh!
im sick of u ok.

*being so emotional with reasons*

Sunday 8 June 2008

Things About Me (tagged by nanie)

post kali ini menceritakan serba sedikit ttg saya.
saya telah tagged by nanie. jadi saya menulis ini. (ayat skema kuase lapan puluh lapan)
mungkin juga post ini berguna utk rakan2 yg sekadar view blog saya..jarang2 view..yang kurang atau langsung tidak kenal saya. rakan2 yg telah kenal lama mungkin tidak perlu baca entri ini kerana mungkin kalian akan tidur bila baca nya.

latar belakang
nama penuh saya Zakiah Abdul Mutalib. umur saya 23 tahun. lahir pada 2 April 85. anak ke3 dari 10. 5 perempuan 5 lelaki.
saya lahir di perak, mmbesar 8 tahun di melaka, 7 tahun di kedah dan kembali ke perak.

-saya belajar hidup berdikari sejak umur 13 tahun. form 1 - form 5 saya stay di hostel. lepas SPM, saya ke Matriks Gopeng (Perak) puler..lepas tuh ke Seremban..kolej mara..kemudian ke Sheffield..hingga kini..jadi bayangkan sekerap dan selama mana saya tinggal dgn keluarga..sgt sedikit kan?maka saya rasa saya bukan anak manja. ;)

-bgn tidur, saya jarang sekali guna alarm. saya susah utk bgn dgn bantuan alarm kerana akhirnya alarm terpaksa tidur kembali dgn saya hehe..
saya juga amat jarang mengamalkan tidur yg sebentar cuma-nap. kerana saya kalau sekali tidur akan tidur lama. oleh itu, saya jarang dan amat jarang tidur pada waktu petang kerana saya susah utk tidur petang. lebih baik saya makan atau buat kerja lain selain tidur.
maka, tiada istilah nap dan 5 minit tidur ya ..

-saya jarang mnum air melainkan air yg manis. saya ssh untuk mnum air tanpa reason..(teruk kan)..saya akan mnum air masak dgn nasi atau any main meals..jika air yg dibancuh saya suka kopi sahaja. atau koko panas. horlick boleh juga tapi buat saya mengantuk.

-saya mmg suka membeli belah..baju ..beg..kasut apatah lagi. tetapi jika harga brg yg saya nk beli tu mahal sgt saya tak beli pn..biasa nya saya tggu saje sbb saya tahu nanti pasti hrga turun (sale). tapi kalau brg tu dah tader, saya pasrah je..saya anggap bukan rezki saya. as simple as that. tapi selalunyer saya agak lucky dlm shopping2 nih hehe..

-saya suka kasut. kasut yg saya prefer pakai adalah jenis pumps..or mungkin sandal biasa saje..suker suker..

-saya suke photography. itu semua org tahu kot. saya suker ambil gmba dan di ambil gmba. saya juger suker edit gmba..tapi edit supaya ade effect yg bernas la..bukan tuka originality (positions org..etc) gmba tuh..harap anda faham. impian saya ingin memiliki SLR..Nikon yer..minimum d60..harap maklum (hint utk hadiah hari jadi ke 24)

-saya suke memasak. (kdg2 jike ade mood). saya juge suker msk dgn cepat..meaning, saya lakukan sumer kerja dgn tangkas..ptong bwg etc..kalau boleh memasak dgn simultaneously (tumis sambal same dgn goreng ayam)..nanti cepat la siap dan perut pn tak perlu tuggu lame..saya tak suke masak lambat2..

-saya seorang yg rabun.

-saya boleh jadi seorang yg membosankan..saya boleh jadi seorang yg byk ckp tapi boleh juger jadi seorang yg diam saje..naper saya diam?mungkin saya tak sht..mungkin saya takder mood nk ckp ngn awk..mungkin saya tak de bende nk ckp dgn awk..or mungkin saya tgh marah dgn awk hehe..

-saya suker outdoor activites. saya klasifikasikan diri sebagai outgoing. itu yg bile kene terperuk di dlm bilik lame2 saya akan jadi weng sebentar haha..

-saya suker aktiviti yg jumpe orang..saya suker aktiviti sosial yg sihat. saya normal ok.

-saya rasa bau-bauan mampu mengingatkan saya kepada peristiwa2 tertentu. oleh itu, jika saya nk igt kembali memori di sekolah, saya akan cube bli shower gel yg same saya pakai di sekolah (contohnyer)

-saya tak suker orang yg suker blindly judge orang lain. a.k.a judgmental person. sbb saya tahu orang2 sebegitu suker mengatakn sesuatu yg buruk ttg orang lain di belakang. (umpat). tolonglah, saya tak berminat dgn orang2 begini, lagi2 kalau kamu tu lelaki. turn off la.

-jika saya ingin memiliki teman istimewa atau bahase mudah nyer someone special, saya tidak suker jika diri saya rasa bersalah bile die membelikan saya sesuatu. contohnyer, jika die ingin beli kan saya baju atau apa2 saja, saya mahu die mampu untuk lakukannya..bukan terpaksa dan bukan untk ambil hati saya. kesimpulannya, saya lebih senang untuk dibelanja tanpa saya rasa bersalah. oh harap phm yer maksud saya. tak paham tny saya personally, bukan umpat2 yer.

-saya suke main keyboard kecil kepunyaan saya. dah buruk pun. tapi saya bukan hebat pun. saje hobi.

-jika saya akan travel, saya akan packing dgn awl, plan ape brg2 yg nk dibawa. buat list. sbb saya tend to tertinggal brg2 nnt. lgpun saya selalunyer akan bawa baju yg extra. tak tahu kenaper..jadi, saya packing lebih awal supaya lebih teratur dan terancang percutian saya.

-isu sensitif bagi saya ialah isu keluarga. jika kamu mahu saya terasa atau sedih sila lah sentuh isu keluarga. sanggup?

-saya boleh jadi seorang kakak yg dewasa dan concern ttg adik2 nyer..tapi saya juga boleh jadi seorang yg childish dan kecil. saya boleh jadi anak yg baik..tetapi boleh juger jadi budak yg degil =p..saya boleh jadi clown tak bergaji tetapi saya juger boleh jadi serius ..saya boleh jadi seorang yg agak gemok (pipi saje) ..saya boleh jadi seorang yg kurus..saya boleh jadi seorang yg sgt kuat dlm menghadapi dugaan hidup tetapi boleh juger jadi seorang yg berhati rapuh. which part of me do u want?

harap maklum. kalau ade idea nanti saya tambah

*aliaa ajak pegi park..macam bes..nak pegi*


to me, uncertainties are beautiful..but lately there are many uncertainties i found in my life. thus, it makes me think that too many uncertainties are not pretty anymore. boleh kasi pening pun ader.

makin usia bertambah terasa makin banyak uncertainties.
makin blur.
makin jauh.
makin hilang..
tapi kdg2 ader balik. mcm choc fudge.
macam puzzle pn ader..macam teka teki.


*petang yg panas, rugi jika tidak keluar*

Saturday 7 June 2008

Fading Away..

you are far away..
yet you are here..
as time goes by you are fading away..
time will eat u..
i would not surprise if one day i would not be able to see anymore..or even to hear your voice.

*stranded in the middle of your speech*

Electronic and Electrical Engineering

im done with my 3rd paper-2nd last paper.
last paper would be on Friday-13th June.
lega sket tuk for a while..esok thinking of chilling out..ade 2 options:
1) pegi BBQ kt Bradford..boleh jumpe rakan2 Bradford ku.
2)keluar jalan2 sekitar sheffield saje.

hurmm..aritu yer2 juger nk pegi Bradford..tapi since perut aku dah sakit2 camnih..not likely to go..
balik2 exam tadi makan nasi..tgh makan tuh sakit sgt2..
terasa sedih sikit sbb on the way balik rumah from exam tadi ade singgah University Health Service (UHS) utk jumpe Doc..closed..arini kan Sabtu..farmasi pn tader yg terpaksa tahan lagi utk 1 malam. hopefully esok ade harapan.

lepas lunch tadi tak tahu nk buat ape nk heal sakit perut ideas..makan buah sikit..rase kurang sikit sakit..

hurmm..lagi 1 paper untuk aku abeskan 3rd year nih.
3rd year of Electronic & Electrical Engineering (EE).
aku ade setahun lagi untuk abeskan MEng aku.
when i think back..i would never imagined myself taking EE.
yerla..mase zaman sekolah dulu, bile belaja Teknologi Kejuruteraan (TK) jer aku mesti rase tak senang duduk bile masuk bab EE. (dalam TK kene belajar sumer Engineering fields-civil,EE,mechanical and ade design sikit).
EE-circuits..tu la yg aku nampak mase sekolah dulu.
i felt a bit stressful pushing myself to swallow all of the circuit theories. padahal mase tuh belajar bende basics jer, contohnyer teori mentol yg menyala atau tidak..

mase lepas SPM, aku decided to take architecture..sebab suker arts..suker drawing..suker suker dan suker..i don't mind spending the whole day drawing for Lukisan Kejuruteraan(LK-my fav elective subject). buktinyer, aku tak pernah mengeluh bile dapat homework LK. lagi need to learn chemistry or physics pn taper..janji LK ader..biler dah start drawing mmg tak hirau orang lain. mase tuh minat terhadap design+arts+drawing dah makin terpupuk di diri ini. hehe..

so bile study di Kolej Mara Seremban (KMS), first week sampai KMS aku jumpe head of A-level tny boleh tak amek architecture..he said NO.
the 'NO' almost buat aku pengsan hehe..trus kene fikir mahu amek engineering ape nanti.
then bile kene pilih University and courses..lepas fikir masak2..aku terpaksa la register myself for EE ..igt nk amek Civil Engineering with Architecture tapi mase tu tak hantar portfolio yg University me and EE were meant to be.

haa..amek la sekarang..dulu basic teori pn tak mahu nk im learning more than that!

ape yang aku notice, terlalu banyak equations yg kene phm and igt..derivations tak usah katerla..sumer subject ade..
kadang2 tak larat nk swallow..kene phm and igt derivations and at the same time kene menghafal some facts as well.. writing this bukan sbb menyesal..aku tak gemar utk menyesal dgn my decisions. i believe that's the path taken. the best for me.

walau sesusah mane pun aku mesti teruskan dan jgn putus asa..orang lain pun belajar juger kan..sumer pelajaran pn susah..
mesti motivate myself sbb i think me myself should be the best motivator for myself.

*another 13 days for*

Friday 6 June 2008

What's Wrong?

what's wrong with my tummy ek?
i ate..forced myself to eat mcm biaser..ikut time..
tapi lately bgn pagi2 je mesti pedih.

before makan sakit (pedih) , lepas makan pun pedih lagi.
macam sekarang, saya makan biskut oat..igt nk heal..tapi pedih still.
most of the time when perut rase pedih saya perlu menahan nyer dgn menekan sedikit perut..tapi for how long la kan it would last..

any ideas peeps?


Thursday 5 June 2008


saya rasa bersalah kepada adik saya. ini kerana saya tidak melayan permintaan beliau tadi. maafla kimi, tadi k lang ade kawan2 dtg rumah. ade sikit discussion. so kene spend time btol2 sementara mereka di rumah k lang.
permintaan kamu memerlukan sedikit penjelasan.
jika k lang sorang2 di rumah lain cerita..

jika kamu baca blog ini, buzz la k lang di YM. im waiting. lepas ni k lang explain sumer ape yg kimi nk tau.

maaf ya..jgn merajuk kerana nnt k lang belanja kamu ais krim. atau gula2

Wednesday 4 June 2008


gambar hiasan

tajuk kontroversi kan. hehe..
bukan aper la..actually im getting bored with those frequently asked Q yg berbunyi: bile kau nk kawen plak?
turn aku biler?
then ade pulak juniors kt sheffield yg assume aku dah ade calon and tgh tggu mase je nak kawen..
hoho..smpi begitu sekali tanggapan orang terhadap daku ..
adik-adik..get to know me better la ok..then u will know hehe..

yerla..sekarang musim org berkawen / tunang kot.
contoh nya: sabtu ni ade senior nak kwen.
summer ni ade 2 wedding invitation from friends.
last week 2 of my cousins were getting engaged.
summer ni jugak ade sorang schoolmate yg nk deliver her first baby. my deskmate mase form 5 ok!haha..
and i heard a recent news saying that my KMS mate's wife baru pregnant.

and more surprising, my 'org terdekat' pn plan nk kawen this summer. i told him, do wut u think best for u. yg penting nnt aku jadi photographer and edit gmba die cantik2..haha..tapi aku pesan kat 'org terdekat' tuh, getting married is not a simple thing, ur gonna hold a lot of responsibilities.
he said, "ala..kawan orang ade je yg dh kawen and siap da nk ade baby"..
hurmm..i replied: " yerla..kawan kiter pn ader..siap ade yg dpt twins tapi one of the twins meninggal..besar dugaan tuh.."
i added:
"kite tak yah ikut org sgt..dan jgn compare dgn orang..derang boleh face bnde tuh sbb derang mampu..Allah tahu derang mampu face bile pregnant..anak meninggal..etc.."
"kite mungkin not selected utk di uji mcm tuh..Allah tahu kite tak mampu lagi ..mungkin mase kite belom sampai.."
then 'org terdekat' pn diam..tande setuju kot..

so no wonder la org asyik tny aku jer kan bile turn aku.
ala peeps, im just 23 la.
nanti2 la kawen.
dah jumpe calon and time yg seswai, i'll inform u guys ok..buat press conference ker..hehe..mesti i jemput to my wedding punyer..since korang ramai yg ade SLR, siler la jadi sukarela photographer yer =p

Monday 2 June 2008


3 minutes given to me to write this post.

yeah my appetite dah kembali ke pangkuan jalan. sikit-sikit la..
today i had my lunch. okla..
fried kuetiaw with choc ice blended.

then a bit stressful.
called omma and abah. i want to tell them i got butterflies in my perut. tapi tanak mereka risau.

just tel them i have paper tomorrow. doakan yer omma..appa..

hurmm 1 thing i want to point out here:
only people who know u and love u could understand u well.
they would be there for u, unconditionally.
you would feel safe..:)

*resting for a while*

Sunday 1 June 2008

Kurus Murus ku

exam=makan tak lalu.
bgn tdo bile fikir mahu makan ape aku jadi bingung dong. mau makan apa sih?
so i forced myself to eat.

smlm naseb baik ade org teman aku mkn sekali last nite. if sorang2 pasti tak makan.

aku mengalami masalah tidak selera makan la lately. currently watashiwa appetite ga arimasen ne. worried desu. watashiwa becoming more chisaii..
gohan to noodle to spagethi wa failed to seduced me.
*korang pandai2 la translate*

tgk nasi pn takde rase pepe.

order pizza pn ssh nak abes.

masak kuewtiaw pn mkn separuh pinggan jer.
fruits? yeah i got myself grapes tp sehari jer abes sbb i ate them for dinner. takkan ari2 nk makan grapes jer kan. kering pule poket nanti. lagipun nnt tak gumuks2 pulak.

aper nih?kalau omma tahu abes la aku. hinsh hinsh

bila kurang makan aku jadi kurus murus.

btw now is my lunch hour. makan skit jer mcm biaser.
risau neh..badan susut plak nnt. macam loya2 jer neh..doishte..?

pulang ke pangkuan kuarge in less than 3 weeks time.

*sambung belajar la baybes..*