Friday 21 August 2009

Puasa..Im Here, Still Am :)-Updates

Hola everyone, its me again (haha, what an intro lah!)

Ok, currently no internet di rumah hence less updates from me.

First of all, selamat menyambut Ramadhan al mubarak people.

I just got back from KL, settle kan itu ini. Still ada hal tentang MARA yg belom habis, need to contact university for that. (whatever la, penat kottt)..

Tiada internet sungguh agak tersiksa for me as I used to blog almost everyDAY!. Huhu..

Some updates:

  1. Still waiting for my flight ticket to Bintulu.
  2. I shopped for RAYA, beli baju raya yang sudah siap, sungguh malas nk tempah. theme untuk this year: peach/pink and purple. :DDDDD
  3. I have another one week before I leave for Bintulu.
  4. Yesterday ada satu call yang sneaky and jahat, almost kena fraud weh...mintak card details and all..He asked my card details but called my dad's mobile phone. Msia is crazy ok sometimes..haih..insecured betol.
  5. Peeps, sorry for not being able to respond to all of your comments here...Will do later ok? :)

Ok, not much updates pun..

Selamat berpuasa everyone..

to those yang texted me ur numbers, thanks okeh.

*Miss you, miss you. Love u, love u even more..dearest...:))))**

Sunday 9 August 2009

Sabtu Yang Indah, Lyan's Wedding

Peeps, been really busy these days.
Last Friday went to Ipoh Specialist Hospital to do my medical check up for Petronas.
Sabtu pulak (Yesterday) went to Alor Setar Kedah to attend Lyan's wedding. I ate just little, sebab bila jumpa rakan2 lama (schoolmates) the happiness can outweight the hunger. Hehe.
I was breathtakingly happyyyyy...sangat sangat happy...

You know, dulu masa jumpa schoolmates tapi belum habis study..feeling dia lain. Tapi bila dah graduated dan masing2 ramai yang dah kerja..Perasaannya lagi different. Ada yang dah 5 tahun tak jumpa..Style pun dah lain..makin ayu pun ada :P

Everything went well..Really really happy, indescribable feeling :)...

Oh dear..I started to miss you and love you even more..
And I know I dont want to lose you, even a little bit.
Counting the days, oh please come quick! :)

I might be in KL this week. Wanna meet up and lepak? Drop me a line

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Im In Malaysia!!! :D

Hi peopleeee...Im Im Im Im in Msiaaa!!! hehehe
Freaking happy and busy. So just leave ur messages ok? I put my phone no on facebook. please text me and let me know it's you, friends!!
To my Jiwarian mates, insyA will see all of you this Saturday. :D

Hey hey..look at my niece's pics..isnt she adorable? Right after I arrived at KLIA and met her, dia salam tgn and kissed me on the cheek. Hehe sweet! She can pose when she sees my Nikon, dia gelak tutup mulut, she can feed herself, she loves wonderpet, she loves french fries..OMG..Im sooooo rindu dia sekarang. Hehe..cant wait to see her again next week.

Ok people, keep in touch. Just send me an email to and tell me ur updates! hehe
Text me ok?