Saturday 31 October 2009

You're Such A Jerk.

Emo gila title. I dont care, I memang emo now.
I just listened to this one friend of mine. Her problem with her so-called boyfriend. I'd rather call him a jerk. Mind my language but that term describes him best.

A total JERK.


She complained that the bf never care about her. No texts, no calls. Nak tanya khabar apatah lagi. Hell no.

When my friend ni text him "urgent. pls call." Jangan harap lelaki tu nak call.


Unless he is in need. Like what?

When he needs money. Omg, that's horrible. Lelaki nak pinjam duit perempuan and lelaki tu dah kerja ok, company kaya pulak tu. KAYA, yang elaun minyak pun dapat. Rm1000 per month. What the fish kan, teruk ok. Mana pergi duit2 kau, lelaki?

Bukan tu saje, lelaki tu juga pernah pinjam duit dari abang ipar my friend tu. Dan...dan..dan selain abg ipar gf die, lelaki itu juga pernah minta untuk pinjam duit dari saya. SAYA ok. padahal masa tu baru kenal.

How did I meet him? He worked in Bintulu previously. Tapi bukan Petronas la, another oil & gas company. Yg lagi kaya, ok? Tu yg tak puas hati tu. Masa tu I just got my first salary, just before raya. He called me and mintak pinjam duit. I was shocked because I assumed dia punya poket lagi tebal dari saya, wallet mesti tak muat letak duit (haha).
Sadly I was wrong, You just dont know when a jerk can come to you.

I hope this can be a good lesson to learn. To women out there, please avoid this kind of man. They're nothing but a piece of meat. Aih, emo nya.

Well Im not trying to say that I've got a perfect man, but at least he wont do such things to me. Encik Sayang is 2 years younger than me tho.

The man I mentioned above is 37 years old. Aduh, parah.

Hurmm..penulisan yg sungguh emo, bukan?

Tapi dah reda. I advised her as much as I could.

Oklah, it's maghrib already.

Wanna prepare dinner. bye

Thursday 29 October 2009

Boss, Im Blogging. Can R?

It's lunch time and I dont have the appetite to eat. At all.
Eyh, did i tell you that I have problems with sarawakian's meals? or to be more specific, bintulu's foods?
Oh, no offense but I just can't accept the taste.
Tak sedap sgt ka or Im the one yg cerewet gila? Never mind, I will find the solution later. Order ayam penyet ka, cook my own meal ka. Any will do.

Ok, since Im not having my lunch right now, I blog instead. Boss, boleh kan? I was just passing by my boss' room. He's still there. Puasa ka boss?

Just now my colleagues and I had this sort of "group discussion". Kalau kat university dulu macam study group, but this time is more realistic. How to apply theory into practical, how to solve plant problems, that sort of things. Surprisingly, we went through the "Process Control System" where we mainly talked about PID control. Electrical & Electronic Engineering students mesti tahu kan? I was kinda cuak juga sebab boss was expecting me to give ideas too, maklumlah fresh grad kan. (oh fresh ka, otak macam dah ada corrosion sket=p).
The discussion went well, was hoping for more meetings after this.

Ok, then called Encik Sayang since saya keseorangan di office tadi. Colleagues semua turun makan. Gone.
He told me that he has secretly read my blog. Again. Waaa..sungguh segan sebab I wrote about him. Banyak kot. He read both-Mypunchingbag and my private blog too. Oh blushing tak igt. And..and..boleh pula dia cakap "oh comel lah mcm tu". Okkk...sungguh segan tau. Rasa nak tutup muka, cover baik2. Haha. Orang lain cakap macam tu aku tak rasa segan macam ni. But if it's him yg cakap macam tu, aku segan blushing tak igt. Blueks. =P

It's weird I think. I'd rather write so-called "jiwa-jiwa" things (in my blog) dari aku say it in front of him. For example, luahan yg macam entry kat bawah ni. Aku macam segan nak dia tahu. Oh, pelik kah? Entah. Now I understand, tak semua apa yg kita rasa itu terluah kan pada dia. Hehe. Not trying to hide, it's more to "oh, malu lah".

OK, gotta go. Zuhur dah masuk. Zuhur kat Bintulu starts at 1230pm.

Bye bye people.=)

"Mydear, in case you are reading this, really hope you can make it next week. Tada..=) "

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Tunggu Aku Sepurnama Lagi.

Note: Entry ni dah ditulis Ahad lepas. Baru nak post. Peace!

Warning: This entry is dedicated to Encik Sayang. Only. A sad entry I suppose..

"Saya sayang kamu, saya suka kamu bukan kerana kamu lebih dari orang lain, atau orang lain kurang dari kamu..Saya sayang kamu kerana diri kamu, kerana kamu ialah kamu." -Anonymous

In about a month time, I'll be going back for Raya Haji. No longer a surprise for him as he secretly read my blog (specifically about the Raya Haji surprise entry). Ehehe..

Right now Im at the airport, waiting for my Bintulu flight at 1135am. Traveling alone is no fun at all. Blueks :(

As usual, I will pass by his house whenever Im on my way to Penang Airport. I definitely will recognize the junction heading to his house. It was a sad feeling knowing that he's not here. :(

It's going to be one month before he gets back to his 'place'. With 6 hours time difference and thousand miles away of being separated, I'm pretty sure it's going to be difficult for us to constantly keep in touch.

It's not a good news, is it?

Surprisingly, knowing him in the past 5 months telah menemukan beberapa things in common:
  1. I always crave for laksa Penang, so does he.
  2. He loves soya bean, so do I. :)
  3. We both love nasi lemak for breakfast.
  4. We both are 'rabun'. Lalala..Tapi my eyes lagi kronik. Hehe
  5. We love kids.
  6. We love cats. (ok, yg ini I just knew it sebab dia baru ada kucing di rumah)
  7. For house interior design, we love design yg simple yet modern and cantik.
  8. Both of us have big familia. Yadayada!!~
  1. He loves nasi kandar, I dont
  2. I like chicken porridge, he doesnt.
He knows :
  1. When I typed "hurmm.." and be in silence..I am thinking..and taking time for myself.
  2. When Im mad, I need to cool down first, take some time and then I will get back to him.
  3. When Im sad, I will not talk much. I will give a sigh, once again be in silence.
  4. I will be free at around 650am and 440pm. everyday. during weekdays.
  5. Every morning, if there's no text from me until 640am..Im still in bed la tuh belom bangun. Hehe.
  6. Im sensitive towards certain matters. :(
  7. When Im tired, exhausted, I will talk less. hehe
  8. When Im busy, let me be. He would give me space because later I definitely will get back to him. Eheh.

Thanks for everything, for being so truthful and sincere. For the laughter that made my day, for the good deeds you taught me, for the patience, for the efforts you made. Yes, those efforts really touched me. Deep, you never knew it:). For the sweet remembrance you always had for me.

Kalau Tiada Angin, Masakan Teddy Bear Bergoyang.

Hari yang normal, tapi isu runduman hati tetap berjalan seperti biasa. I still feel it, think about it, can hardly get it out of mind.
Oh baby, it's hard.

Tapi tak apa, it wouldnt affect my career, although hari2 terpaksa berdepan dengan lawak2 berupa 18sx di office.

oh tidak, kau orang bayangkan aku seorang perempuan waktu itu di office.

My other colleagues yg lain berborak2 tentang hal-hal 18sx, contohnya

"Eh, bini kau dah nak beranak kan? Bila tu? Apa rahsia ek? Subur duh."

Itu satu, lagi satu.

"Weh, perempuan period memang PMS melampau ek." *gelak evil 2-2 orang*

Then ada sorang colleague ni, F (bukan nama sebenar).

"Weh, kesian die (sambil melihat aku). Kene dengar sume ni."

Tapi kan, aku buat2 tak tau je, memang perangai orang dah kahwin mcm tu. Dan aku tau, some men bila berjumpa gang, suka cakap pasal perempuan.

Reality kot kan? Entah. No komen.

Ok, next. I just knew that one of my friends here akan kahwin next year.
Bila jumpa dia, dia tanya how did I know that?
I went:
"Kalau takde angin masakan teddy bear bergoyang. kan?"

Habis tu, kawan2 single aku makin kurang.
Aku rasa macam tak cool kawan dengan isteri orang.

No offense but true.

Oklah, ada hal privasi.


**Cik Fizah Duckness, thank you thank you. Hehe. Entahlah, sekarang rasa di awang awangan. Cewah. Tapi dia dah nak balik sudah next month. Sedih lorh..**

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Sejak Akhir-akhir Ini

Baru pulang kerja, penat tapi tetap degil mahu menulis. Itu saya, tak tahu erti rehat sebenar. Jangan salah tafsir, itu tak bermakna saya tak reti buang masa. oke?

Saya letih tapi bahagia, penat tapi gembira.

Hari ini bangun sekitar 530 pagi, tapi masih bermalasan di atas katil hingga jam 6.

Bersiap2, agak lambat buat saya terlepas breakfast bersama teman rapat si coco crunch.

Saya ambil masa untuk bersiap, bas pula datang tepat pada 655pagi.
Risau sebenarnya, kawasan rumah yg saya inap begitu banyak anjing.
Contohnya, setiap pagi tempat yg saya tunggu bas itu ada 2 ekor anjing yg begitu 'setia' berkeliaran dan bermain2 sesama sendiri.
Seekor berwarna hitam, satu lagi perang gelap.

Mereka memang tak pernah mengacau, tapi kadang2 mereka begitu hampir. Oh takut. Encik Sayang pernah berpesan, sila ucap "Assalamualaikum ya Qitmir.."

Dalam kerisauan melampau itu buat saya lupa bertanya makna ucapan itu. Tapi itu sudah cukup melegakan. :)

Sampai di office saya bergegas ke cafe, makan dahulu sebelum pergi melapor diri di System Section. Oh ya, lupa saya khabarkan bahawa sebagai engineer baru, saya perlu undergo Internal Rotation dalam department saya. Saya perlu buat attachment kepada sections seperti Quality Measurement & Instrumentation (Analyzer, Fire & Gas, Metering), Workshop, Communication, System, and Turbo Machinery.
Makanya setiap minggu saya akan buat kerja yang berlainan, tapi saya suka juga 'sibukkan diri' dengan bekerja bersama rakan sepejabat yg lain.

Tapi bila buat rotation ni macam cool sebab saya berpeluang berjumpa dengan ramai orang, dari pelbagai latar belakang. Kagum. Kagum.

Cakap pasal kerja lagi, hari tu saya jumpa boss. Setelah 3 minggu tak ketemu, saya rasa banyak perlu dibincangkan dengan boss. Saya tanya macam2, nasib baik dia pendengar setia.

Ok, setelah penat ke sana ke mari untuk hari ini, saya pulang seperti biasa.
Sekali lagi, ada bas datang menjemput.
Rumah saya adalah yg terakhir untuk disinggahi sebelum pergi kerja dan juga terakhir untuk dihantar pulang.
Saya punya banyak masa di dalam bas, ambil peluang untuk habiskan Ayat-Ayat Cinta yg baru dibeli. Oh, seronok ok.

Erm..terus terang katakan, saya rasa begitu fragile, homesick. Ada beberapa ketika saya rasa semangat saya diacu dengan pisau tajam, tunggu masa untuk dibunuh.
Ada beberapa perihal dan alasan untuk rasa itu, nanti saya cerita.

Namun apa yg buat saya rasa bahagia, dan bersemangat ialah orang2 yg rapat dengan saya.
Keluarga tidak tahu perihal runduman hati saya, mereka akan susah hati.
Tapi saya ada 'kawan terbaik'.
Dia pendengar setia, tempat meluahkan segala rasa, tempat berkongsi cerita, berkongsi pendapat.
Dia tahu tawa dan tangis saya.

Terharu, tahu tak kamu?
Kamu, kadang2 apa yg dirasa tak semua itu terluahkan.
Saya sangat hargai kamu, I thank God for knowing you.
Moga urusan kita dimudahkan ya..Amiin..

oklah, hari dah petang.

Jumpa lagi.
Till then, bye bye.

Monday 26 October 2009

It Will Be You, No One Else.

I love you more than you could imagine.

After what we went through, I don't want to lose you even a little bit, even just for a second.
The moments we had, are too precious to be thrown away.

I want you and no one can make me feel the way I feel for you.

Remember this?

"I want to feel safe so that I wont know what fear is...
I want to laugh so that I wont know what tears are...
I want to smile so that I wont know what pain is...
I want to trust you so that I wont know what betrayal is...
I want to be loved so that I wont know how it feels to be heartbroken...
I want to love so that I know what care is...
I want to miss you so that I wont know how to forget...

I don't want anything else..
I just want you, I want to know you...
And all I want is you.."

I might be out of words but it doesnt mean Im out of love,

I might be in silence for a while but it doesnt mean I dont miss you. :)

It will be you, no one else.

Friday 23 October 2009

Esok Kita Berpisah

Tambahan untuk entry ini:
Tadi lihat2 gambar lama. Sekarang aku sudah faham bila org kata "a picture is worth a thousand words. "
Bila aku lihat gambar2 lama, aku tahu apa yg jadi waktu itu. Memorable, memang.

13 hours of my first journey to UK for my MEng Electronic & Electrical Engineering. I cried badly, thinking and wondering how am I going to survive there. I was freakingly worried and scared. I made it, finally!
Nottingham Msian Games 06 or 05?
Once upon a time in London. I was in my first year in UK, my first visit to London. Not bad lah even hampir kena 'pow' dengan makcik tua yg scary.
First time getting involve in Msian students society. I was helping out the SMSA RAYA.
Nottingham Games, again. Note the specky guy beside me. That's Azman, tak sangka masa Petronas Induction hari tu jumpa dia balik.
Seminggu di rumah aku bermalas-malasan, bermanja, sudah buat hati berat untuk balik ke Bintulu esok pagi. Flight Penang-KL seawal 8 pg, benci lah.

But since I just got my second salary yesterday, semangat untuk kerja makin di paras positif. Hehe. Tak sabar nak masuk office, turun ke plant macam biasa. Jumpa colleagues, jumpa boss, jumpa ramai lagi.

Lately aku seperti aneh (konon2 aneh la sangat). Suka tidur, tiada selera makan kecuali makanan bersup, aku cepat mengantuk dan malam pula akan tidur awal. Eh, penyakit ka tu? Penyakit ka, perangai kucing gemuk? Hehe. You know, there's this little someone called me "gemok". Waaa..sungguh pembuli ok, gedempol. Miahaha. =p

3 hari lepas aku kepingin Secret Recipe, semalam terus terlunas 'dendam' nak makan dengan membeli sebiji kek from Secret Recipe. Nyum nyum..sungguh rahsia kesedapannya. Hehe.

Ok, hari sabtuku tidak aneh sangat. Bangun seperti biasa, agak letih kerana semalam ke Sg Petani untuk berjalan2. Encik Sayang juga ke Sg Petani semalam tapi tak berpeluang untuk ketemu. Dia sgt sibuk dengan kerjanya, aku pula sibuk membeli dan terbelah. haha.

Encik Sayang was busy in the past few days. Dalam masa 4 hari dia sudah ke 5 tempat. Rabu ke Selama Perak, Khamis ke Bukit Mertajam, Jumaat ke Sg Petani, Sabtu ke Alor Setar dan..dan ke rumahku. Hehe. Sudah aku pesan, jika penat sgt tak perlu ke rumah. Aku tak gemar susahkan. Cewah, baik pula di situ. *angel mode*

Bila aku beritahu abah Encik Sayang selalu travel, abah kata aku juga apa kurangnya. Sekejap ke Ipoh, sekejap ke Sg Petani. Rupanya aku pun sama ja, memang hobi ku rasanya.

Oklah, I have nothing significant to blog about. Need to help mommy in the kitchen. I want prawn, fried prawn will do. Nyum nyum.

Bye bye all.

**Actually, masa sedang menulis entry ni pun aku mengantuk, nak tidur tapi perlu masak. Sorry mak, terlambat ke dapur. hehe**

Tuesday 20 October 2009

What Is You Doing?

Mari guna I and You, "aku" tolak tepi ya. hehe.

morning people, i just browsed through a sheffield junior's blog. I noticed lately dia macam stress dgn hal hal akademiknya.

one of the problems addressed by her is: communication problem with her groupmates yg mempunyai English accent yg sukar difahami.

Undeniably, it is a common problem yg sering dihadapi oleh Msian students di UK. (I cakap pasal UK sebab I studied there, should have known better aite?)

As for me, there's this one groupmate of mine yg ada accent terlampau. I really need to pay attention on what he's gona say. Babeh, it sounds simple but it's final year project babe. If you heard him wrongly, ideas susah nak get synchronised..bla..bla..maka susah la..untuk work together as a team.

But every problem mesti ada solution kan? Try to talk to that particular person more frequently, especially things about daily lives, or current issues. Be more casual. Nanti lama2 you akan biasa lah cakap dengan dia, apa yg dia cuba convey pun mudah difahami. Sometimes, nak cuba faham accent ni not only what he is conveying but also how he conveys it. Get it? Hehe.

Talking about my UK life memang buat I rindu pada UK. 4 tahun babe, 4 years full of tears and joy..mana nak cari tu semua..kan kan?
Sekarang I dah kerja, kawan2 MLNG I ada ajak pergi UK untuk jalan2, tengoklah kalau ada duit lebih dan kerajinan yg di tahap positif, I akan pergi lah. Sejak I kerja, lagi banyak nak kena fikir, financial lah, personal life lah, family lah, nak kahwin bila lah. Ops, terlebih suda. hehe. Tapi I serious ni, financial management tu penting..I bersyukur duit I simpan masa study dulu ada lagi. Hikhik..

Mari lihat gambar groupmates I masa final year project dulu.
Dari kiri: Mark, I (I paling petite), Matt dan Reubern. Final year project I tentang Multi Touch Table.

Eh you tak faham ke Multi Touch Table tu ape? Ala, you imagine you ada meja. Tapi meja tu macam magic, boleh sentuh dan gerakkan images yg ada di screen meja tu. Ala, kalau susah sgt you search kat youtube je la apa itu multi touch screen/table. Hehe easy peasy aite?

Selain itu, I juga rindu kan rakan2 English I. Rakan2 bergossip I, rakan2 badminton dan rakan2 meluah perasaan dan bincang isu UK-Malaysia. Wah, tak sia-sia MARA hantar I ke UK. Lalala..
.I, Vivian dan Evan. You all tahu, dulu masa di kelas I selalu tersasul panggil Vivian tu sebagai "Evan". Nak buat macam mana, nama mereka lebih kurang. Lepas tu, terus Vivian usik I dengan Evan tu. Tak larat..

Okla, hari ni mood I macam agak bagus. Boradband I macam laju juga hari ni.

I nak bersiap2 ke Ipoh ni. Abah I minta teman beliau uruskan sesuatu.

Buhbye you..

Monday 19 October 2009

Perempuan Gemuk Kini Kembali

Surprise menjadi, bukan saja omma yg terkejut, adik2 pun surprised lihat aku tidur di bilik. Yes yes! Menjadi. Tapi pagi tadi bila omma nampak aku, first thing came out from her mouth was: "Kenapa k lang nampak makin tembam"

On the other hand, I was safely arrived at 5am.

But why lambat sgt sampai rumah? It was a long story. Bas rosak tengah jalan, abah yg ambil aku di tgh2 jalan sebelum sampai rumah. Pity me, sgt2 penat. The good thing was, sementara tunggu abah sampai, masih sempat online dalam bas yg rosak tu guna broadband ku. Pppfftt..

Agak stress bila bas rosak. Air cond yg sungguh sejuk, baby di seat belakang yg nangis tak henti2, makcik seat sebelah yg dia igt ringtone dia sorang paling cool. Helo, cant you give us some respect? Pls la tukar mode handphone awak tuh. Blueks. What else? Oh yeah, even lelaki yg duduk di sebelahku pun agak annoying. He kept asking me:

"study lagi?"
"tak."pendek gila aku reply.
-ok, memang malas gile nak layan but takkan nak diam macam org bisu terus kan? But I replied him pendek2 saje, hoping that he would understand Im not interested to continue the conversation. Tapi kerana dia sgt annoying, dia tanya lagi.

"dulu study mane?"-I have to admit, when I want to make the conversation to be as short as possible, I lied to him. Lets call it a "white lie". Im pretty sure if I bagitahu yg I graduated from Sheffield University, pasti byk lagi soalan.

So i replied-"UM".

"Oh UM? saya pun UM gak dulu, course ape dulu? kolej mana?"-ah sudah, ergh..

Then lama2 aku buat2 nak tidur, luckily Encik Sayang called and I told him that a man who was seating next to me agak annoying. Encik Sayang mula risau, he said to me if I nak tidur pun jgn nyenyak sgt, and sweetly he said he would accompany me until I reach home. Aku tak sampai hati nak biar dia tunggu aku hingga aku sampai rumah, sebab he was really tired as he just got back from Selama Perak. Plus, masa tu baru sampai Ipoh when the bus started to break down. So he has to wait for 2-3 hours before I get home.

Finally I arrived home at 5am. Selamat alhamdulillah..

Today I tried to cook prawn curry but there was an accident in the kitchen. Tanganku melecur terkena minyak panas. Ni semua gara2 guna stock pot baru, habis tanganku merah. :( Tapi funny bila tgk bawang yg aku tumis pun terpelanting keluar dari stock pot tu. Muahaha. :p

Okla, I just had my lunch. Nak bersiap2 keluar ke bank.

Sunday 18 October 2009

Malam Ahad, Malam Bahagia :)

Pagi ahad dikejutkan oleh org-org kesayangan, malam ahad pula malam bahagia. Lalala~..

Today I had sooooo many free time to spend with my loved ones.

I went out to KL Sentral to make payment for my Penang-KL flight ticket. (perempuan ni tak ada kredit kad lagi). Then layan keinginan kakak yg mahu makan Subway. (yey, rindu gila Subway).

So tengah makan tadi I remembered to reply mommy's text this afternoon asking : "Kak lang dah sampai Bintulu?"

Disebabkan perempuan ni malas nak text, she just called. Remember, Im making a surprise to mommy konon2 aku dah sampai Bintulu padahal dok elok2 ja ada kt Kl lagi ni. Ngeh..ngeh..=p

"Kak lang dah sampai ker?"

"Erm..dah mak.." (ampun mak, terpaksa..)

then tiba tiba masa tu jugak la Myra nak bersuara..Entah apa Myra cakap tapi itu obvious Myra ok! So mommy asked:

"Eh tu bukan Myra ke?"

"Myra? takde la mak..budak lain tu..Mak rindu sgt kt Myra ni.." Aku dah ketawa tak tertahan sebab hampir kantoi dengan mommy ku.

"Tapi sebijik macam Myra suara die.." Oh, mommy memang opah sejati. Sungguh cam sore cucu beliau. hehe.

Selepas selesai berbual di samping cover baikkkk punye..Aku rasa bersalah sebab asyik cakap tak betul pada mommy, ampun..

Ok, mari lihat gambar petang tadi.

Kanak2 kecil yg suke sangat moving, gambar terus jadi blur.
Kanak2 kecil di samping Atie nyer (atie=aunty). She would always call me "Atie..".
Oh yes, Myra called Encik Sayang "uncle". blueks =p. hehe suke nye.

Okla, mahu tiduran. Esok mahu pulang ke Perak. Oh tunggu..!~~

Nota kecil: Encik Sayang, no matter how far you are from me..No matter how busy we are, No matter what..No matter what..It will always be us. =)

Saturday 17 October 2009

Diari Pagi Ahad

morning people! Im done with the Petronas Induction Programme. Agak sedih to be apart from all my new friends. :(
Petang semalam aku tiba di rumah kakak di KL.
Pagi ahad aku went pretty well..mari bercerita..

Pagi2 lagi dikejutkan dgn suara tangisan Myra anak saudaraku. Sangat kuat die menangis.

"Mamma...mamma..." Myra kept saying that. She was in the guest room masa tu.
Terus aku berlari dapatkan Myra, gave her a warm hug dan dukung die to calm her down.
Ape dh jadi?

Mama die dalam toilet rupenyer..hehe..Myra nangis sebab when she woke up, her mama wasnt by her side. Hehe.

Then her cry stopped there. Aku temankan Myra baring sementara tunggu mama keluar toilet..(alasan kukuh untuk tidur balik).

Encik Sayang
He woke me up this morning. Dia terpaksa call kerana aku tak reply his 'alarm' text. Hehe. Yesterday we both were busy, only had time to talk after 10pm. In fact, semasa on the phone pun Encik Sayang hampir tertidur. Sangat kasihan dengar suara penatnya lantas aku suruh saja dia ketiduran. Aku penat jua, tidur agak awal.
It seems that kami tak punya banyak masa untuk selalu berborak, but we're gona text each other whenever we are free, thats for sure.
But one good thing about being busy is: Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Right? I miss him more and more each day. Hehe.

Family back Home
Ok, tomorrow i'll be off to Perak. Balik kampunggggg..!!!~..Only dad knows about my homecoming. Everyone else tak tahu, memang surprise gila..hehe..
I called mommy this morning and she said to me : "Hari ni balik Bintulu kan? Balik elok2 k..Jangan lambat pegi airport.."

Ops, I feel guilty for not telling the truth. Ceh, it's not lying la, just a little surprise. Hehe.

Okla, nak bersiap2 nak keluar. Btw, I think I lost weight. Myra bullied me yesterday. Buat smack down la, teman her boboom2 la..(boboom=baring). Tapi gembira.

ok, have a nice day!

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Emosi Itu Ada.

Noon peeps, I just got back from a site visit in Putrajaya.
Tak penat pun.

Ok, sorry for the blog privatization.
Ada emotion conflict sket.

Too personal hence the privatization.

I have many pictures to be uploaded but due to the super slow internet connection, I terpaksa delay dahulu proses penguploadan gambar.

I had fun here in PERMATA. Tapi yang stress the schedule was too fully occupied. Gila punya ok, stress sampai kadang2 tu terlepas kan kepada Encik Sayang. Thats bad I know. Tak patut betol perempuan ni.

Nways, cant wait to see Myra again this Saturday, and see my familia this Monday. See Encik Sayang when ar? Dont know yet, dia tak beritahu lagi bila mahu datang rumah.

Nanie, you want me to upload Encik Sayang's pics ek?

Not now la we're seeing each other for just 4 months baru. Hehe.

Kat facebook kan ada?

Ok peeps, nak bersiap2. lagi 40 mins ade meeting untuk presentation for this Saturday. Aih..penat seyh..!~

Sunday 11 October 2009

Busy Super, Mind You!

Hye readers (bujet ada orang nak baca), Im still at PERMATA bangi for the 2 weeks training. Will end it on the 17 oct. Cant wait ok!!

So what happened? Some little updates:

  1. I just had my ONE NIGHT CAMPING yg suffering juga la.
  2. Later I will elaborate more on that ok?
  3. Until now body is still aching :( Today evening I need to go to clinic sebab ada infection di kaki. It got worsen due to the stupid camping. PPfffttt..!
  4. I forgot to tell you, last 3 days Encik Sayang came over. Yabedabeddu! hehe. He came to kl for family matters and alang2 he singgah at my place. :))))))))
  5. Yesterday went to an open house at Wangsa Melawati and met kakak, Myra and abg kerol. Gembira gilaa....:) I do think that little cuddly bubbly is getting cuter ..haha
  6. I penat sgt..I need rest..Cant wait to finish this course, lagi 5 hari week I need to think what to cook for Encik Sayang as he's coming over to my house. Suggestion please..Heheh..Its been ages tak masak tahu..mesti tak sedap =P..

okla, its 1357, my class is at 1430. Better be ready, bye!

Tuesday 6 October 2009

A Date With A Girl Friend After 13 Years

Ok people, Im breathtakingly happy now.
Met my girl friend Syafinaz after 13 years of absence.
Gila lama kan?

And another happy thing is aku free starting from petang tadi sebab malam ni no class!! Hehe

So Syafinaz came to Permata Bangi at about 8pm and fetched me up.
We went to Alamanda and lepak2 for a while.

Niat hati nak shopping, nak cari black cardigan ala2 TOPSHOP tapi mane la ade topshop di situ.


But lets put that aside.

I missed her badly! 13 years tak jumpa, surely there's a lot to say right?
When I first saw her at Permata entrance trus hug her kuat2. Macam tak percaya tahu..HeheWell yeah, looking forward to see her again. Nak shopping together yey! Hehe. The good news is: She loves shoesssss and handbags too! Hihi..

Next, let me introduce you my groupmates here in Permata Bangi. So within this 2 weeks course I'll be spending most of my time with them. Everyday from 830am till 1030pm classes, presentation, discussion. I know it sounds exhausting.Memang fully occupied but Im lucky for having them with me sebab mereka sgt sporting and my group selalu menang for any competitions pon. Hehe. Yesterday menang presentation in which we need to present an advertisement. Kena dancing a bit and guess what background music dier lagu WONDER GIRLS-NOBODY BUT YOU ok! HAHAHAHA. (eh behave..behave..)
Note that specky guy sitting at the front? that's my collegemate. Kolej mara seremban. He just got married. hehe.
In this course, there are a lot of people I know. Schoolmates, Collegemates. Hehe.
My college peeps: Mir from Machester uni, Azman Bristol uni, Hezzi my sheffield mate.
My schoolmates: Arif and Uzair the juniors and my senior.

Later I will show you the other groups. Ok?

I just got back from Alamanda. Encik Sayang is on his way home from Alor Setar. If ada masa boleh borak, but if not no need. (Just got a call from him. Sempat lagi call even tgh driving but dont worry he's an expert. hehe)

Goodnyte people.
oh yes, sorry I have compressed the pictures sebab kalau tak compress lambat nak upload sbb internet lembap. Siput pun lagi laju.


Nota kecil: Tadi aku singgah Body Shop, lihat harga body butter yg 200ml tu RM59.90. Happy! Sebab Body butter yg I got from Body Shop Bintulu lagi murah. Only RM55! :D Another reason to love Bintulu. haha

Monday 5 October 2009

Aku Benci

What a negative post. Dont say that I dont warn you.

I hate myself when Im in a great anger.

Its been a while, why?????

I hate to admit this, but I regret it much.
