Monday 29 September 2008

Back to School Blues

today is monday. 29th sept 2009.
aku bgn awl hari ni.
lepas sahur kemas2 bilik.
'cuci' laptop.
susun doc dlm laptop.
tgk2 gambar org yg jauh. rindu nyer :(

hari ni first day of 4th year (FINAL YEAR). sem 1. Autumn semester

tgk jam. it was just 630am.
nak buat ape lg yer.
tgk jadual kelas arini.
2 classes only, free for the whole day on wednesday. no classes at all. im gonna be a bit happier if raye is on Wed. hik!

see..d kala org lain sibuk buat preparation untuk the becoming raye, (family and friends in Msia), aku sibuk ke kelas. baru nk start kelas. the feeling is different u know.
if u mmg dah start kelas seminggu yg lepas, feeling die tak se sobbing ini . ;p

the early wakey brought me here. somewhere in the Univ. area.
i went to the Student Union.

then i stayed here waiting for my class to start.
class is at 11.10am.

*text me, forget me not.*
send me some news from there.
im waiting.

i miss you.

Sunday 28 September 2008


nak cakap jugak.
tapi tanak citer banyak.

rindu agak terubat dgn 70 mins tuh..text me ok;) text text. me wait
boleh la.

call lagi.
nak join lah.boleh la.
tapi tahu tak biar aja.

satu lagi,pls watch out ur mouth.

Monday 22 September 2008


kepala sakit.
lost weight.(again!) sigh


another 2 days .

Saturday 20 September 2008

Sedih dan Stress

Malam ni aku stress. Sedih seket. direct je kan ape aku rase.


tanak la.

emo nyer.emo.

tarik nafas dlm2...

lega tak?

seket la..

jadi la..dari takder langsung

Thursday 18 September 2008

Malam yg Dingin

*gambar adalah simbol perasaan*

too many things in mind smpi ssh nk digest =p.
fyi, tajuk di atas tiada kaitan dgn post. ehek!
diri ku terlalu malas untuk pack luggage untuk pulang ke UK.
saya tak suke pack barang nk balik UK, tak suke suasana di KLIA untuk pulang ke UK kerana saya akan jadi manusia yg fragile. (ergh) esp bile orang yg disayangi hantar.
sbb tuh kalau saya nak pegi mane2, prefer orang yg disayang tak hantar saya di KLIA. maka tak perlu lihat saya pergi (giler ayat berterabur haha).

kepulangan ke UK kali ni katenyer anak saudara kesayangan akan turut menghantar.aduiyai..naper perlu lihat muke comel si kecil tu before entering departure hall?
dah la saya sedang rindu nak cuddle die. dah lame tak jumpe si kecil yg bulat tuh.


tak nak pulang boleh ke?
tapi ade setahun je lagi nk belaja .
takper..lagi 2 exams kene go through..1 more fyp to experience and learn..


life saya di UK kali ni mungkin akan berbeda sedikit..

doakan yg terbaik, itu saja.
terbaik untuk mereka tidak semestinya terbaik juga bagiku.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

1 Week

woah! i have only a week to have fun and spend my precious time with my sayangsssss...
recently i got a letter from my uni. as usual, a list of final year project titles to be chosen.
still thinking and thinking which one to choose..a tough decision i guess.

a week to go for going back to sheffield. im gonna miss msia sooooo bad!
last night when i was alone in my room, buat self-countdown for 'UK return'.
suddenly jadi sungguh emo bile pk tak sempat raye kt msia. abah kept on mentioning about making lemang. even though im not a lemang freak, still ade sikit terasa sbb tak dapat join the whole family celebrating raye this year.
yes, mmg in the past 3 yrs i celeb my raye in Uk but this yr is different. yes differentttt (emo lagik)

our theme colour for raya this year is GREENNNNN
but since im not gonna be here for raya, i chose red as my theme colour (ngeh ngeh =p)..

ok, stop talking about raya.

*counting down for 'The Uk return' and i hate it =p*

Friday 12 September 2008

Lepaskan lah

dulu, bile die dgn kite, kite nak pergi jauh..kite jadi repulsive, kalo boleh nak end terus..

sekarang, bile die dah ade life sendiri, and kite still contact die as friends, the feeling became different.

die dah mcm get over kite..
die dah mcm happy dgn ape yg die go through aite now..die bahagie dgn ape yg die ade sekarang..

tapi agak hairan..
nape kite ade rase lain..kite rase tak happy bile tgk die dgn org lain
nape yer..
bukan ke kite ptt happy and glad ape yg kite tinggalkan dulu sekurang-kurang menjadi sesuatu yg lebih baik, biarpn bukan dgn kite..

lepaskan lah die..
die bukan lagi dgn mu..
get over her, get over urself, she is just ur history..

memory remains ..:)

p/s: kene ckp awl-awl yg post ini tiada kaitan dgn penulis ;)

Tuesday 9 September 2008


i've been bz lately.
i just took the JPJ Driving License Test.
Yey!! passed it yeah! even tho the tester was cold, tapi die baik hati kerna kasi markah yg byk hikhik. thanks!
thanks to my sifu too. nnt saya kasi postcard yer:)
yeye, looking fwd to do tokyo drift after this haha..;p

btw, about the JPJ Test, i saw quite many things, i earned a lot apart from the test itself.
living in a small town in Perak taught me some valuable lessons too.

i had my last 2 days of driving lesson 2 days before the test. my test was on 8 sept.
so my sifu asked me to come as early as 730 am on the 8 sept for final 'touch'.

he gave me the car key. i was the 2nd person who reached the driving school haha..giler awl kn..
so i did my last practise before the test @ about 11am ( i was in the 2nd session)..
mase tgh buat parking tu , ade sorang pakcik yg pkai kemas tgh tgk aku practise. i wonder sape die. die ade tny aku sket2 psl parking tuh. oh..rupenyer die pn nk amek test aritu and die akan buat on the 1st session.

@ about 8am, makin ramai orang dtg..aku jadi tumpuan sebentar sbb orang lain sumer dtg ngn kwn rasenyer..aku je sorang2 kt parking tu..then sifu aku suruh drive n park kete tu kat satu tmpt ni..aku segan sket2..hikhik..
yeah. done. tggu nak diuji jer..

aku jumpe rmi kawan baru. nice la..sumer nyer friendly..
orang2 yg test on the 1st session pn start, hinggala tiba turn pakcik tuh. die failed. kesian lak tgk die..
rupenyer itu bkn 1st time die amek test tuh..die dh berumur..ade uban sket..
aish..mmg kesian..aku ngn new friends sedapkan ati die, suruh die sbr..n try btter next time..pakcik tuh ckp dh byk duit abes..:(

borak2 dgn new friends..sampaila tiba turn aku..berdebar gak babe..dahla orang2 yg 1st session sumer lalu kat kami yg 2nd session ni sengih2 je sbb dah passed..psiko sket hehe
sifu aku tak putus2 kasi smgt kat aku, terharu.
aku tau die kalo leh tanak aku fail sbb test bulan september ade sekali jer taun ni, the next test will be on october, lepas raye. confirm la aku tak smpt repeat kalo fail kali ni.

then bile turn aku, mmg agak psiko sbb tester aku agak cold orangnyer, aku cube senyum tapi senyum aku kelat. (haha ). he didnt smile at all.

done with jalanraya part, aku gumbire sbb tggl part parking and bukit jer.
mase tuh dah tghri. hari agak panas..
even tho aku dpt kete yg clutch die mcm weng sgt..aku handle baik2 clutch n minyak die..kete tu mmg plik..mase aku buat parking and all, aku doa supaya enjin tak mati jer.
alhamdulillah, aku passed sumer. yey!
tapi after kuar dari kete, aku bgtau kt sifu, kete tu problem sket..die remove and tgk2 kete tu..kesian la kan kt orang lain gak..

lepas dah settel isi some forms, i thanked my sifu. sobs sobs. then g buat P license..amek gmba and all..
bile on je hp, orang 1st yg text aku was my kakak tny lulus ke tak..yey! so happy nak reply mase tu hehe..
dah nak balik.
call abah nak balik. abah takder, hence aku balik sendiri la naik bus.

hati mmg seronot..
lagi 3 hari P license aku siap. yey!

so now, lets think the other way around..if aku failed.
tak tahu nak ckp cmne..sedih pasti la and kecewa plg penting..kecewa ngn diri sendiri sbb dah pnt2 belajar + dgn sunburn tp tak dpt make im goin back to UK lg 2 mnggu jer..takkan takder ape2 hasil nak bwk balik..then nak face family lagi..tak sanggup nk jwp ape kalo derang tny..

tapi alhamdulillah..
sumernyer ok..


Wednesday 3 September 2008


i never thought i'd be this bz. hehe..
no updates at all for the past few weeks.

i have been to malacca last week.
what a blast!

ah..too many to tell i guess =p

p/s: they happened spontaneously. =)

ok dudes, brb. =) daa..