Wednesday 29 October 2008

::Misteri Broomhall (Eps 1)::

lokasi: 80 Brunswick

di bumi sheffield ni aku tinggal di kawasan Broomhall. ramai msian tinggal di sini. aku ingin berkongsi satu pengalaman yg ku kira pelik. lokasinya di rumah ku sendiri, 80 Brunswick st.
rumah ku 3 tingkat. bilikku di tingkat 3.
sebenarnya bende plik ni dah lame aku alami tapi aku lebih prefer buat tak tau. malas nak kecoh-kecoh.
ape yg pliknye ek. mybe korang hairan.
cmni..every week..dalam 2 kali seminggu, aku akan terdengar bunyi pelik dari siling bilikku. korang byg kan, bilikku sudah tingkat 3, ada lagi kah bilik di atas bilik ku?bukankah bumbung rumah saje?ah, itu bukan soal utama.
back to the topic, pasal bunyi plik yg aku kerap dengar.
dalam 2 kali seminggu (hari kejadian aku tak hafal sbb malas pk sgt)..aku akan dengar satu suara lelaki menangis teresak-esak. mmg nangis yg's more to meratap-ratap (weeping). lepas bunyi tangisan, aku akan dgr pule bunyi katil bergoncang. kuat bunyi tu. bunyi ini berlarutan hingga kira-kira 20 minit.
first time aku dengar, aku boleh trime. tapi masalahnye bunyi-bunyi ni aku dah dgr sejak aku berpindah masuk ke rumah ni lagi.
plus, bunyi-bunyi tu akan berulang every week. mcm sudah di tentukan waktu dan harinye. waktu kejadian adalah dalam waktu petang..duration pun lebih kurang, tak pernah terlalu lame dan sekejap. pelik kan?


  1. sape yg tinggal kt atas bilik aku ni? aku penah dgr yg atas bilikku ade satu bilik yg bersambungan dgn rumah landlady aku. entah betol entah tidak, tiada bukti sahih.
  2. sape lelaki yg menangis itu? kenape die menangis? mengapa tangisannye seperti same saje pattern/caranya?
  3. mengapa mesti ade bunyi katil bergoncang semasa die menangis?
  4. mengapa durationnya lebih kurang same je everytime bende ni jadi?
selame ni aku dgr sorang2 and i kept it to myself. pernah juge tny pade housemate yg lain (jihan-dah pindah )..tapi jhan mcm tak berapa berminat nk amek tau..
tapi since ari ni aku dgr bunyi tu bersama Han (new housemate), aku rasa aku ptt persoal kembali apa yg aku alami selama ni.

my lil sister Cenad was concern enough to ask many Quest about this matter.
She worried about me i can tell u.
tapi ade plak die buat spekulasi yg pelbagai..

cenad: laki ke pompuan yg nanges?tah tah org gile..bahaye weh..kang die buat ngamuk2 plak..mintak simpang la..
z : yg nanges tu laki..
cenad:ang dah tny ka tuan rumah ang?
z: haa..masalahnye rumah tu mungkin bersambung dgn rumah landlady aku..takut tak? (haha)
cenad: isk ni yg lagi takut ni..seram gile..tah tah gile..mak die ikat kt katil..tu yg goyang-goyang katil tu..nak lepaskan ikatan..mcm org gile..
z: oh cenad..ur freaking me out...!!
cenad: mana la mukan islam ni kurang pertimbangan sket..bese la tak semayang..(haha part ni aku gelak kott..)
z: huhu..seram weh..sian tak kt aku..nampak je rileks selame ni kan..kehkeh..

FYI, last winter holiday, aku tinggal dlm rumah ni sorang2 ok..for 2-3 weeks..sbb org lain semua pegi bercuti..aku kan keje mase tu..bile pk balik, syukur lah tader ape2 yg buruk jadi kt aku..berani juge ye aku ni..elly cakap aku tabah..:)

haa..ini baru sikit..misteri di Broomhall..
mugkin lepas ni kite akan dgr citer dari rumah lain?
(hahahah..elly marah ni babe..) die ade ngn aku mase aku tulis ni..cuak cuak dah die..kehkeh..rumah die lagi seram..byk version woo...~ aku ade gak tau 2 version, tapi kesian kt die..heavy sgt citer tak perlu citer lg kt die

fyi, sekarang ni elly ade ngn aku..die dah takut nk g toilet umh aku..die nk balik umah pn takut..;p

okla.nk buat keje..bertimbun..workloads mounting like hell..phew..~



Tuesday 28 October 2008

::People Come and Go..(Eps 2)::

petang tadi aku gembira. gembira. teruja dgn internet baru.
pada malamnya aku baca blog seorang rakan.
sudah lama aku bersahabt dgnnya. almost 6 yrs.
dia mencoret sesuatu ttg aku dan seorang lagi rakan kami.
kami berkawan sejak di Kolej Mara Seremban.
dia banyak tahu tentang aku. hidup aku bagaimana, dgn siapa aku berkawan. mungkin juga ada skandal nakal di kolej dahulu atau gosip girl liar yg meniti di bibir rakan kolejku. dia tahu semua. ah tapi usahlah korek ya. tidak sihat.
dgn dia aku bermain badminton sampai kadang-kadang kami menyisihkan Emy. jadi Emy selalu tak dapat main bersama lantas dia bersukan sorang-sorang iaitu berjogging. ah aku malas berjogging. perempuan gemuk la katakan.
sampai di bumi sheffield pula, kami bertiga masih berkawan. rakan sebidang pula. macam-macam kenangan kan Elly masa di zaman tahun pertama?
gossip banyak sekali. ah rindu. juga, jangan dikorek ya cerita-cerita lama kami?

masa berlalu pantas, kini kami di tahun akhir. aku perhatikan masa bersama makin kurang. kami sudah jarang berpillow talk atau buat sesi luahan rasa. banyak komitmen lain menanti. tadi mahu pulang dari kelas bersama, namun dia ke perpustakaan.
tambahan pula, belakangan ini dia sibuk kerana temankan ibu saudara yg bertandang ke UK.

hurm..sebenarnya aku tidak gemar menulis entri sayu begini. entah kenapa, aku rindu semua orang hari ni. tidak kira dia di mana. rindu rakan-rakanku.

sudah banyak orang yg hadir dalam hidup aku. jadi rakan-rakan, jadi istimewa. semuanya ada cerita masing-masing. ada tinggalkan duka, ada tinggalkan tawa.

jadi kamu mahu tinggalkan apa pula kali ini?

p/s: whats with this feeling?oh btw this is not the day of the month:)

Monday 27 October 2008

My Lil Munchkin

i just got this lil munchkin's pic today.
i duno whats with the new hair. nanie said the hair look like Flinstone :p
i duno why. muke tak senyum. hehe
ask her. ask her.
naper yer myra?

The Email

Aku terjage tidur pukol 5 pg.
ade email.
aku bace.
aku mungking patut gembira dgn email itu tapi..
aku jadi susah hati.

there were so many IFs in mind!
what if..
what if..
what if................
susah hati.
hati bengkak.
hati nak meletop.

aku susah hati.

Sunday 26 October 2008


dahla chelsea kalah..
dahla liverpool menang 1-nil..*aihetyu but i love u, liv fan!*
dahla aku kene bace marketing..
dahla sgt mengantuk..
dahla bilik aku gelap..


dahla esok deepawali..

dahla tuh..sambung bace!!

Tagged by Amin :)

Gile..i was tagged by Amin for like..3 months ago! keskes..sekarang baru mahu buat ..baru ade peluang actually. =p

8 Things Im Passionate About
  • Food-aku sangat soka makan. aku njoy aktiviti makan-makan. at home, kalau aku mood sgt baik, aku suka cuba new recipies. \(^_^)/
  • Songs-bangun tidor aje aku on playlist. jalan ke kelas (if i walk alone) i'd listen to my IPod mp3.
  • Photography-ala..malas elaborate lahh...~
  • Photo editing-bila aku rasa banyak mase aku akan buat. :)
  • Blogging- esp bile ade bende tak kene jadi kt gue. name pun my punching bag kan..
  • Foreign languages-the only extra language i can speak (certified) is Japanese! i learnt it at school ok..for 4 years! bukan belaja dari tgk anime ke ape =p the more languages u can speak, the better! :)
  • Arts-Drawing-sgt the max (once)..but as time flies, seems that aku kene akur yg aku dah tak buat drawing in my life! EE..ape la yg nak draw sgt kan..
  • Scented Candles-all kinda aromatherapy..bisa buat gue tenang dan selesa:)

8 Things I say too often
(this is the hardest part..people,tell me!)
  • hurmm (when im thinking)
  • soobss!!
  • bongok.-harsh ke?it doesnt really mean bongok. i only say this to my close, u shud listen to how i say it tau..hehe..tapi dah lame tak cakap since my fav friend tak sukeee. :p
  • Giler..
  • menci
  • nyampah
  • **i* (ni bukan mencarut ok, tapi name orang hahaha..)
  • emmphh..(bile rase geram)
  • ..tau (tatau la nape..)
  • Yeay..(to a particular person je..baru sedar!)

8 Books I've read recently
(i dont read books. help!)
  • Marketing Management (giler ah..)
  • Men from Mars and Women from Venus
  • A Bad Bride's Tale (i just start reading it!)
  • Enid Blyton (childhood)
  • R.L Stine-fear street (childhood)
  • Sweet Valley (childhood)
a BIG NO to LOTR. Harry Potter. euhh..~

im done with my books! hheee =p told ya, i dont read books

8 Things To Do Before I Die
  • bertaubat ( we need to do this everyday, dont we?)
  • please my parents and family
  • get married with the man i love. *grin*
  • perbanyakkan amalan
  • mintak maaf dgn semua orang..(pun..selalu kene buat)
  • pergi ke tempat impian dgn org terchenta..ape ek?ade la..~
  • berbakti kepada yg memerlukan. (fav friend taught me this. baik kan?)
  • fulfill my wishlist

8 Songs I could Listen To Over and Over Again
  • the lima-buronan cinta
  • anuar zain-ketulusan hati
  • the lima-separuh masa
  • cancer-MCR
  • jason mraz-geek in the pink
  • jason again-im yours ( the radio edit version will do C=)
  • mariah carey-i cant live w/out u
  • avenged 7fold-warmness on the soul :)

8 Things I Learned Last Year ( i shud probably take it as last semester)
  • think out of the box
  • be professional and brave
  • if someone is cheating on you, just accept the fact that one is not perfect. people made mistakes. kan?
  • u can be lazy but work efficiently
  • dont trust people easily!
  • live life to the fullest
  • work harder
  • find more working experience (time constraint punye pasal, i can only work for 3 weeks! at least i penah keje..)

Saturday 25 October 2008

Insanely Mad

aku kebengangan sebentar. selepas kecewa dgn ketiadaan daging lembu, ade seseorang yg telah bikin hati ku hangat.
why lar some people are just annoying. sgt menyampah.
aku sgt bengang lalu mahu tulis sesuatu di sini.
tiba-tiba ade junior tny aku ade lagi ke simpan nota 1st year!
luckily aku seorang penyimpan maka ada lah nota. (im a final year stud ok)

oh dgn berbakti kepada junior ini aku sedikit lega.
malas fikir tentang perempuan itu.
hidup tak aman.
aku sudah cuba untuk suka perempuan itu namun dia sendiri yg buatkan aku gagal menyukai nya. balik kampung la babe.
buek buek.

lega sket

Try and Error

"Try and error. Pergi ke seorang demi seorang. Rase die ni mcm ok. menarik jugak. Try la kejap.
For a certain period..

aahh..die mcm tak serasi plak ngn aku..
Pergi ke sorang lagi ni..die ni mcm boleh tahan..

ala..ade bnde yg aku tak berape suke ngn die..cancel lah..
Next please..
eh yg tuh mcm kene je ngn aku..

ala..tak bes plak lame2 ngn die..
slowly disappeared.. lame2 gone..fade away just like that.
'mereka' pn tak paham ape yg die nak dan ape yg die cube lakukan.

kau paham ke?
korang paham ke? "

ok. put the try and error issue aside.
last nite we had this so called open house. open house by muni and atie. thanks! i ate a lot tp tak sebanyak yg aku selalu makan. im a GOOD eater. just so u know that oK.
smlm byk borak2 saje. dah lame kami tak kumpul ramai2. updates..updates..*kihkih*

byk juge rahsie yg revealed. (HAHA for this). tapi tula kan. takkan rahsie tu nk post kt blog. biarlah kami2 je tau.

moral nye. i'd rather choose an outsider. *dang!!*

oh here's a pic of us.Aliaa. Me. Diana. Only we know. (haha again)

pening ke post kali ni?
got ur head bonked this time?

mata aimashiou xx

Thursday 23 October 2008

How I Photographed My Feelings

the pipi
Dont Mess with The Myra Lisya
my niece-die pandai buat muke!
niece again. cuddle. cuddly
the little fingers-my niece
Kenny '08
my little sisters cant buy..
my youngest sister

one of my fav ring
my youngest sis and her school trip
me. the photographer
my youngest sis
my shoes

the Greenies
swiss 06-interlaken
sesat di swiss. itu kaki muni-swiss 06.

suddenly i feel like "photoshopping"
i love photography. my forever passion.
i think it (the passion) runs in our (my family) bloods.
proof: my big sis, lil bro and lil sis lurve photography too. surprised heh?
i like photo editing.
i like to be in cameras *grin*
a camera freak.
my super wishlist: a DSLR. Nikon.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

The Best Listener

i'd be the best listener if u want me to.
i'd be the best friend if u need me.
i'll be there when the going gets tough.

if u know what u want, go and grab it.

dia takkan datang utk kali ke 2.
hargai peluang yg ada di depan mata.
jangan kau biar dia pergi lagi.

all the best ok buddy!



Tuesday 21 October 2008

The Extreme Disgust

u caused an extreme disgust. early in the morning. just like a nausea. yikes!!
but luckily im not a preggy woman. Yet.
just say anything u want to say. stick on the wall every single thing that bothers u.


On The Floor

early morning i woke up and realised that my AVG Antivirus wasn't working. Failed to re-install it.
sent my lappy to clinic (Cics) to fix it.
consequently, i was late to Management and Marketing class. 5 mins late i think. as i walked, i was thinking.."nak pegi kelas ke tak ni.."
notty thoughts i know.
i arrived late. i looked at the whole lecture theater. as expected, all seats taken. the class was full with mechanical and EE students.
i can see Amru looked at me and smiled widely. haha..i found my seat now.
it's....on the floor! no wonder Amru pun senyum2 sebab he was welcoming me to join him sitting on the floor.
but okla. it's pretty cool when u hafta seat on the floor in lecture theater. biler lagi kan nk rase experience gini?hakhak..
so dlm 50 mins tu aku, Amru, Nazri and 2 other guys in front of me terpakse dgr lecture sambil melabuhkan punggung di atas lantai. imagine it !
tapi ok je.
Dalam pada tu aku ade gak mengerling pada Han, Ati and the rest di suatu sudut. oh gembiranya mereka dpt duduk di kerusi empuk. hehe.

balik rumah, ade pm hezzi. macam biaser la hezzi.
"amacam, kematu tak bunt** ko dalam kelas tadik?"

nyampah. haha.

walau kene duduk di lantai aku bahagia.

Sunday 19 October 2008

The Decision

i had this one friend.
we were friends for quite some times.
but we had this kinda complicated friendship. ah if u know what i mean.

today or maybe these days i keep thinking. about us.
i feel not comfortable of what is happening. between us. not good. not right. complicated. grey area. no black and white.

hence, today i found the guts. gathered all the strength in myself. i made a decision.
to quit.
from this complication.
i told him i cant do this anymore. with you, i cant find the intersection point. we always go parallel.

just like that.
it's not easy u do this.
to you: i dont hate you. dont get me wrong. the decision made without hatred.
i guess i just lost a friend. i didn mean to.
im sorry.

*my life is great..friends are like colors in my life. if i lose one, i need a better blending options to replace the missing ones*

My New Cat (?)

it's moving!

it's sunday morning. quite gloomy.
i went to car boot sale and i got this one cat.
it was not a real cat surely. haha..
yela, it's difficult to have a cat here in UK. compared to Msia, u can see cats are everywhere. abandoned cats. pity them.
btw, i bought this cat since i cant have a cat in my Msia house. omma said no more cats in house since we faced 2 deaths of our beloved cats.

oh my cat ni cat tipu2 je but it can sound like a real ones.(haha)
plus, kaki nye boleh gerak-gerak. (haha again)

so i called a friend to tell about my new 'cat'.

"eh u..dgr2 ni..ade bunyik kucing kan.."
and the cat was meowing a little bit.."meow..meow"..

"aah la..baru beli kucing ke?"

"yela..kucing ni sgtla comel tau.."

and the cat was meowing again and again just like real. it's just ade bunyi pelik sket bile kaki die gerak. mcm bunyi robotic sket..haha

"alala..nnt die sepahkan bilik camne?kene la ajar die jgn sepah kan sgt bilik tuh"

i was wondering: eh my friend ni rase ni kucing betol ke or die saje je nk layankan aje kucing tipu i nih =p

"tak pe la..if die nk sepah kan pn..i can always tidy up my room kan.ehehe"

"dh tau sex die?boy or girl?"

haha..this part was funny.

"oh i didnt check yet la..tapi takkan ade kitties kot..."

"ok..nnt check la food dh bli ke?the bell?nk letak kt leher die.."

haha..this time i laughed.

"hehehehehe..bell die tader lagik..btw, camne die nk makan...u thought ni kucing betol ke..ini kucing robot je....pathetic tak. hahahah.."

and he laughed abes abesan.

"so bunyi2 tadi tu kucing tipu la kan..alahai..geds sungguh..just like tuan dier..hahahhaha"

" thinking of what to name the cat la..u name it la ek..let me know if got any cute names"

he agreed.

and we both laughed together.

i think i love it.

Saturday 18 October 2008


ribut. kabut.
i moved a step backward.
i dont wanna interfere.

oh relax lah.
take it easy.

*im off*

Friday 17 October 2008

The Silent Rejection

im back. i know i posted a LOT today!
haha. i dont care. i just loooveeeeeee blabbering around. i mean when im stressed up. i talked a lot too today. naseb baek ade 'mangse2' yg sudi dengar. ehe..ehe..ehe..
well after browsing thru some websites, i found this one IP web. yeah, found a lot of patents needed there. alhamdulillah.
Patents saved. need to filter them out, read and analyze.
So it's time to haf rest!
Suddenly teringat kat seorang kawan ni.
agk lame tak contact die.
it's not that i didn haf the effort to keep in touch. i did. tapi mcm no use. bagai curah air ke keladi.
weird la.
bia la. let it be. ignorance is bliss!
sometimes, when people seem to ignore u or maybe to avoid u ..just let it be.
Maybe that's what we call-the silent rejection
u might not have the interest to continue the friendship anymore.
truth is painful for some cases. i understand.

· "Friends are like pieces of puzzle.. If you lose one, it will never be complete again..
Just want you to're one piece I can’t afford to lose...(ek?think twice)"


nak stress ke tak nih?


Gimme A Sec, Pls!

haha..gimme a sec to write this very short post. im having this 50 mins gap between EMC lecture (with the fav lecturer.hik!) and the Optical lecture.

the funny thing was..we (me,emy and ely) were struggling to solve this 1 question during the EMC class. 3-3 org memerah otak untuk kire complex number (dh 2 taun kot tinggal maths!)
kire punyer kire..
salah gune formula..

rupenyer simple je equation yg ptt nye gune tuh.
aha aha aha..
sebbaek lecturer comel tuh tak dtg ke tmpt kitorang.

so now im in the IT lab.
wondering ade group meeting ke tak arini..
sv is away i think.
oh weekend..weekend..pls come quicker! hee..


Thursday 16 October 2008


why must carik pasal di awal2 pagi right before i go to class???????????????

demm..rosakkan mood jer pepagi nih!

aper la yg kau tak puas ati kt aku nih ha.

but it was quite a relief when i talked directly to my landlady.


u better watch out ok!
im 23 and and i dont care how old are u. if u cant respect me, so do i!
i cant stand u seriously!!!!!!


Me and Han.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

The Patent

i need to find patents for my project. i never thought searching for a patent would be this difficult. no wonder in earlier meeting my sv (supervisor) said that carik patent (esp European Patents) mmg agak susah. i understand now.
what is a patent?
well from a reliable source said:

"Patents protect technical inventions. They are valid in individual
countries, for a specified period. Patents confer the right
to prevent third parties from commercially exploiting the
In return for this period of protection, applicants must fully
disclose their invention. Patent applications and granted
patents are published, which makes them a prime source of
technical information"


well now im merempating myself at elly's since my tnet tader lagi. aish..tapi phone line dah ader.yey!!

so i just need to be a bit more patient before everything back to normal.
plus, today i had this kinda emo emo news from home. made me emo emo a bit for about an hour. haha..
thanks to you for being there.

but no worries, sume bnde settled.


Monday 13 October 2008

Sibuk dan Penat

dlm kesibukan ini masih teringat pada yg setia memberi semangat dan sokongan.
terima kasih..

kerana memahami

terima kasih..
kerana masih buat ku tersenyum.

kerana buatku rasa bersemangat.:)


blush. blush.


Wednesday 8 October 2008


it's 1121pm and i woke up from a quite long sleep about an hour ago.
today i had no classes (wed=free)! yey!?
but i had this group meeting.
final yr group project.

i have 3 other guys in my group.
being the only girl in group (dah biase) makes u feel honored.
i like matt and mark.
mark seems to be a good leader. matt is nice. rubern likes to do things on his own. he's quite shy i guess.

our 1st meeting ran smoothly. tried to find Maria, a Phd student to have a look at our equipments to construct our multi touch table. the hardware i mean.
we were provided with a projector,webcam (not really sure), an acrylic layer (just looks like a thin glass). kire itu basicnye la..
for the 1st few weeks we're gonna deal with the hardware, mainly to construct the multi touch table.
right after it's done, a software interface will take place.

oh btw, my final year project is about a multi touch screen, but we are focusing on the multi touch table since it is less complex.
multi touch screen?
let me tell you guys.
normally we found in ATM machines and in some mobile phones the screens are touch screens aite?
A touch screen enables only one single point of contact.


with a multi touch screen,like how it is defined, it allows a user to interact with a system with more than one finger at a time! this application is useful for larger interaction scenarios such as interactive walls and tabletops.

if you guys want to watch the visualization of this application, just type "multi touch screens" on the you tube.

i just knew that the project was a hugely popular youuuuu =p
chosen by a huge number of students but we were the 4 lucky peeps who got it. hik! ;)

wish me luck

i need to do some readings. just collected some journals and some experimental ideas for the table construction.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Orang Tua-"Im Always Right"

i hate orang tua yg rasa dirinya selalu betol.
i hate orang tua yg rasa org muda darinya selalu tak berkemampuan.

saya geram dgn orang tua yg ignorant.
saya bengang dgn org tua yg selalu nak menang.

saya bengang dgn orang tua yg tak reti jage percakapan.

saya amat bengang. tolonglah tahu.

saya tak sabar nak end semua ini.


yg benar,
orang muda.

Monday 6 October 2008

Virgin vs Tiscalli

ouch!today i skipped classes.
gilers la. 2nd week dah skip class. but with a very acceptable reason. bukan berniat okeyhhh..

i went to see the doctor and i was kinda got stuck in the University Health Service. for almost 2 hours!
needed to update some of my details. tula akibat nyer kalau dah lameeeee sgt tak jumpe doctor.
i even forgot who my personal doctor was! =p

right after seeing the doctor and took my prescription+ bought the medicine, i returned home. it was 1pm. kelas pn da abes at that time. sigh!

right after i arrived home, i called the Virgin Media. fyi, virgin media is an internet provider.
i called VM to asked about my broadband application status. i placed an order a week a go. they said they will come to install the broadband this week, probably on monday or tuesday.


when I CALLED VM today, they sent me an email saying that THEY CANNOT PROCEED our order as there is an another VM account holder in my house. ah, complicated!

so, the point is:

WHY DIDNT they inform me (and my housemate) about it EARLIER???

punyer la tunggu selama seminggu, tp we WAITED FOR NOTHING!

so, frust punyer frust..we (me and housemate) decided to choose another provider which is TISCALLI.

haha..i know some of u never heard about Tiscalli but hey..the price was much cheaper than the VM and i think the communication between us (Tiscalli and the customer) was good.

right after we placed our order, they called us to confirm that they received our order and everything was running smoothly. they are going to send us an engineer to install everything-the BT phone line and the broadband! YeayYyyy!!!

so after dah rase lega with the Tiscalli, tup tup..

ding dong..

someone rang the bell..


tah naper my instinct said that it was the Virgin Media.

and mmg betol pn..
baru nak dtg ke encik VM after u left me for a week w/out anything, tibe2 bile dah cancel, ader plak dtg kannn..
sorry la encik VM, we have got the replacement.. (haha)

so now, Tiscalli won i guess.


please dont disappoint us, Mr Tiscalli :)

Sunday 5 October 2008

Things I hate About Being Thousand Miles Away yet I Feel LoVed

I managed to go to only 1 open house. at least. i ate yummy bihun sup (i love!)
right after i arrived home, my body was aching. called my mom and told her about my pain. feeling cold and weak, hence the 3 hours of sleeping. after waking up i could hardly get up. seriously.

i was thinking:
oh cmner la nak pegi kelas esok :(. dah la baru start semester baru.

gathered all my energies, i got up and decided to cook. to fulfill my crave, i made spagethi. not really tasty i should say.

finished my dinner and i felt relief. i took a pill. courtesy of emy. thanks! :)

then suddenly i just remembered my laundry. ops baju tak sidai lagi !
dgn mata yg agak sakit but with less body ache, baju pun tersidai.

hurm..actually there were 2 significant things happened today. to me. personally i was thinking the 1st matter-settled.

remember i told u about the 3 hours of waiting for the open house to start?
within the 3 hours i was chatting with my friends.

the conversation gave an entirely significant impact to me.

somehow im so thankful all the miscommunication solved.
but i was a bit surprised with the revealed secrets.

its ten already. i need to have enough rest people.
till then,one of the things i hate about being thousand miles away from them is: how i miss this little cuddly badly!
kish kish for myra . (dulu selalu paggil alisya, now suke panggil die myra =p)


Open houses. Im in Hunger!

today is sunday.
what a cold sunday morning
i woke up and heard the rain drops outside my window.

i would pretty much understand why some people are just too lazy to wake up.
however, since today there are a lot of 'open house' invitations i decided to wake up early.
wakey wakey..~

i had my early morning shower (on sunday!) =P. leg..actually i had a wound on it.
the wound was bleeding and it freaked me out.
wiped it using tissue and clean it.

ouch, painful!cant wait to see the doc tomorrow. i just hafta!
it was 11am and i was ready to go out.


i just knew tht the open houses will only start @ 2!
tic tac tic tac..
i was waiting in a super duper hunger.
almost 3 hrs of waiting, i gave up.
i dont think i could make it.
i didn have enough sleep last night (as usual-trouble sleeping).
hence, the dizzy head. :(


Saturday 4 October 2008


uh.its been while since i wrote the 'finale syawal in sheffield'.
im just too lazy to write. a lot of things in mind but aahh..i just don't feel like writing.

it has been a week since i started my new semester of my final year in MEng Electronic Communication Engineering.
to be honest, i was tired for the first week of lecture,adapting myself with the new goals in life.sounds really determined aite?yes,i am! hik.

the classes were OK i should say.

these days i was thinking A LOT. they were all about my future to be exact.
i have about 9 months to finish my studies and im gonna go to another phase of life-WORK!

within the 9 months i need to maximize my hard work. study more and more. need to spend more time on revising which i always failed to accomplish. i only study when the exam is approaching. lame procrastination. i know. sigh!

but at least i have left the hard time during my 3rd year here. i was really depressed. everything came at a time. bulky problems raised. personal problems and my depressive individual project mainly.


i did not regret those things to happen. i believe they happened for reasons. and i know eventually it's all Mine!

now take a deep breath..

all i want for this final year is a better outcome.

wish me luck.

btw, im back in sheffield for a week already but the internet connection is still unavailable. hence, i was asking for my 'new jiran' generosity to let us using their wireless connection. thanks a lot 'new jiran'! hehehe..


Wednesday 1 October 2008


tunggu tram

1 Syawal di Sheffield jatuh pada hari selasa. 30th sept 2008.
seperti biase some of us akan terkejut dgn berita raye yg agak surprising itu.
tapi my mom dah predict yg UK akan raye sehari awal dari Msia. good prediction mommy.
malam raya aku dan housemate tak masak ape2 pun.

esoknyer pun aku takder chance nk g solat raye.aish..
got 2 classes in the morning. 9-11 am.
tak bley nak skip both classes sbb tak pernah attend lagi classes tuh.

pagi raya 2008 di sambut dgn hujan renyai. tapi aku ttp excited nak celeb raye.
i woke up early pagi raye tuh. as early as 4 am! bkn sbb terlalu semangat tp i had my trouble sleeping.
bersiap2 pagi tuh sambil pasang lagu raye kuat2. (haha)

so dgn berbaju raye bagai, heels, aku heading to lecture hall. sampai2 kelas dah ramai org. agak segan sbb baju raye ku was a red kebaya! (even tho it was covered by a black jacket)
then i was a bit surprised to see the lecturer. ntah naper b4 masuk kelas Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) tuh aku rase lecturernyer someone yg agak berumur.
tapi sangkaanku totally salah.
the EMC lecturer was a young and good looking man.

no exam for the module except for some course works.

the next class.fuh! ade citer bes.haha
aku, emy and ely semangat nk g ke 2nd lecture. Marketing Management class.
dah masuk lecture hall tuh terasa geds2 sket. so amek gmba.kunun2 gmba raye in class. (haha)
makin ramai students dtg.

rupe2 kami salah masuk lecture hall! wonder rase plik. sebbaek ade gk some other students yg keluar.naseb serupe kami i guess.
oh hey btw, it was not our fault la..
mmg dlm time table kitorang dah tertulis venue lecture hall tuh kt mane. maybe derang tuka venue last minute.

pastu kami yg tersilap ni agak terpinga2 nak pergi lecture hall mane.
luckily, kami jumpe gak lecture hall yg betul.

after finishing the class, aku and emy off to tempat solat raye. the place called PMC.
sambil tunggu tram masih sempat bergambar even tmpt tuh tak chantek pn background dier.

lepas habes event di PMC, kami jalan2 ke city centre. ape aktiviti di sane biarlah rasie. haha..

d belah ptg nyer puler aku pegi beraye di rumah seorang kawan. tak sempat jumpe di PMC, hence the visit.

di rumah nyer ade juger rakan2 nyer yg lain. most of them were the Brunei people. dah lame tak jumpe org Brunei. hehe. suke dengar cara derang ckp. ade orang Jerman juger dtg beraye.
menarik. tgk org Jerman makan rendang, serunding and teh tarik. cool!

lewat ptg aku pulang ke rumah.

be back soon.
walau raya kali ni agak sayu buat aku, feeling yg lagi berbeda dari sebelumnya, rindu sgt Malaysia, aku trima seadanya. dgn ada nya rakan2 seperjuangan, raya tetap meriah. :)

*fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...*