Wednesday 30 September 2009

2 Weeks In Bangi, 1 Week at Home

Salam and hi, tomorrow I'll be flying to KL. YEYEYEYEYE!!!

Super happy ok sebab Im gona have a 3 weeks vacation. Sort of.

Actually training tu only 2 weeks, but I got my in lieu leave for FOUR days.

Ok, lets make it easier.

My training starts on the 1st oct-17oct.

Petang 17 oct tu Im going to my sister's house to see Myra, the next day (18 oct) I will be off to Perak and fly back to Bintulu on the 25th Oct.

Apsal lame sangat cuti babe?
Oh sebab nye, I applied my in lieu leave starting from 19 oct to 22oct. 23 oct (Friday) tu pula public holiday for sarawak. Makanya, saya akan berada di rumah for one week after my training! hehe Yippie!!. Only abah and Encik Sayang knew this. Omma doesnt know yet.

At first mahu juga buat surprise untuk Encik Sayang, tapi when I ask him
"18-24 october tu ade ape2 plan tak"

Haha, obviously he can smell something kan? He thought he wont be able to see me anymore before he fly back to his place.

No dear..hehe. In fact, I already got my Raya Haji Flight Ticket! Ok, ini memang a real surprise. He wont know..he wont..Hehe..

Ok, nak packing barang..see you tomorrow!

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Berubah, Diam Bukan Kerana Lupa atau Benci

I chatted with a Sheffield junior.
Damn, I really miss Sheffield I have to admit that.

More precisely, I miss UK.


Things changed, noted.

Undeniably yes, but that's for the best. No hatred, no revenge, nothing at all.

The other day a junior commented on my friendster (helo, my friendster account is still ON but not that ACTIVE)

"Will be missing you in Sheffield"

"Sheffield wouldnt be the same without you guys"

Sad but true, I dont know when would I go there. Again.

A Bintulu friend ajak pergi UK, but I prefer to go to somewhere else.

How about Egypt?


goodnyte people:)

Monday 28 September 2009

Mahu Menangis Lah :[

I love this face. Hehe
"When I grow up I want to graduate at University of Sheffield" how inspiring!
with the cousins

Saya yg kasi Myra dress purple tu. Wa, rindu nya:(

Sunday 27 September 2009

Rindu, Definitely. Sedih, Undeniable. Sayang, Itu Sudah Tentu.

Good evening people. Fuh penat, baru habis pindah kan brg2 ke rumah baru. Tempat saya tinggal di Bintulu kini ialah di BEVERLY HILLS. auw nama..haha..tapi I like the house. As usual, saya pemalas sikit nak cerita banyak2..maka, mari bercerita guna gambar. hehe

Gembira bila ada fridge besar, sesuai untuk saya. =P
Dry kitchen. Dah lama tak masak, harap masih tahu memasak
Not bad kan?
Tempat lepak2..

Phew..saya nak rest sebentar la..Penat sangat hari ni..Minggu depan saya ada training di Bangi 2 minggu, Encik Sayang ada bertanya-Nanti masih adakah masa untuk dia?

Hehe..I replied to him-Mesti la ade =)

Encik Sayang akan terbang untuk satu misi penting lagi 2 bulan. Akan tatapi, saya rasa pagi semalam adalah kali terakhir saya jumpa dia sebelum dia bertolak pulang.

Sedih, undeniable.
Rindu, definitely.
Sayang, itu sudah tentu.
Bila berjauh macam ni, moga hati kami ditetapkan..Doa yg selebihnya biar saya simpan sendiri. Hehe.

However, we are just happy this way. Sometimes we both are busy with our own lives, our own matters tapi akan cuba juga curi curi masa untuk bertanya khabar. One second is enough for a sweet remembrance. That's him, kalau dia sibuk dengan kerjanya..Just let it be..Until he is done with his job..Because I know he definitely will find me once he finished it. Itu antara ciri istimewa Encik Sayang saya. Eh skema pula ayat. Hehe..

Hurm..last week Encik Sayang telah diuji dengan agak hebat, kalut juga saya untuk jadi pendengar terbaik dan cuba memahami situasi nya yg sukar itu. Bila dia sedih saya susah hati. Rindu pula saat2 dia gembira saja dan suka mengusik itu. But worry not, things are getting better now..Alhamdulillah..Tolong doakan urusan Encik Sayang dan keluarga dimudahkan ya? Terima kasih :)

Ok la, esok jumpa lagi ok?

Take care..:)

Friday 25 September 2009

I Want Nobody Nobody But You :)

now at the airport waiting for my flight at 1340.
Im using airport's wifi, dowloading wonder girls' song-NOBODY. Haha. But dowload rate is only 9.3KB/sec max. Aiyoo..
A little bit knackered.

Remember the day when all celcom users ada gangguan kecacatan talian?

I think it was kelmarin. I was in Penang at that time. Tak ada line for more than 8 hours memang torturing. PPPffftt...

but the good thing was, I went to Seoul Garden. Nyum nyum. Let pictures do the talking, boleh? Cheers mate! Hehe
Cenad, the best eater of the day. Eh no, or was it me..? :P

Takla, bukan Cenad. I was the one makan paling banyak. Lihat muka yg sungguh fokus itu.

The Last Day..

Esok kembali ke Bintulu.


**Im not ready to leave yet..Seeing you like that..The pain and sorrow..How I wish I could sweep them away from you..Pray..keep praying dear..He knows best..**

Friday 18 September 2009

Raya Mode, Moodless for Working

Salam and hi peeps. It's RAYA MODE certainly.
Friday morning, I finished my work given by boss on time. As early as 10am! Happy, then terus blur nak buat apa.

My colleague Nicholas yg tak sambut raya pun takda mood nak kerja.

"Aku dah tadak mood nak kerja. Aku dah turun plant, jalan2 tapi still mood tak dtg."

Aku sengih je

"Eceyyh..macam kau raye je kan. Hehe". I replied to him.

The only muslim colleagues left in the office were Taqi and Azizul.

So basically memang tak ada mood nak kerja, office hampir kosong. Kerja pun dh siap, maka hampir tahu nak buat apa.

Then 30 minutes before lunch hour one of my colleague ajak kuar shopping.

"Kau nak balik awal arini? half day?"

"eh boleh ke?" (dalam hati happy sebab senior yg ajak tapi masih ada rasa cuak)

"ok je, kite kuar ngn boss nak?"

"erks..ok..boss ek..hehe..boleh la.."

then bile boss dengar aku nak buat half day je arini die bulat kan mata kat aku tapi senyum je pastu..lalalala..

So petang tadi aku kuar ngn boss la. Shopping2 sket..

Then lewat ptg nya kuar dengan Jannah, Johannes and Karim for iftar.

Not bad la..

Ok, fine. Actually banyak nak cerita tapi since lama sgt aku tak blogging, too much to say sampai tak tahu which one to start. Nanti aku dah ingat, aku cerita ok?
Btw, my first salary ever DAH MASUK ok! Yiippiee...alhamdulillah..syukur2..even baru kerja 2 minggu tapi dh dpt full salary..
boleh la kasi duit raya ..:)

ok, ini gmbar aku and Jannah sewaktu suka ria mode.

Saturday 12 September 2009

Are You Single?

Ok, after about 2 weeks of living in a new phase of life (working), I realised this one small matter.
Last week we had this Iftar with the YEC (Youth Entrepreneur Club) which means semua yg datang itu staff yg muda2..up to 30 years old rasanya.

Makanya kami the new staffs ni perlu introduce diri. (I hate this part ok).
It started with Jannah.
She started with her name and went bla..bla..bla...ended with:
"Status : Single and available."

I was in gasp ok sebab I think I might need to say the same thing at the end.
Then I introduced myself macam biasa..Bla..bla..and ended it with: "my hometown is in Perak..Ok, thats all from me."

And the crowd pun dah hingaq (orang kedah punya bahasa). Riuh rendah asking for "Status..status.."

Ppfffttt...Do I need to tell them that?? Aiyak..
Ok..So I told them..

"Im single but not available.."

Jokingly, the crowd went.."Uuuuuu..."

Aku ketawa dalam hati saja, sgt faham la selalu nya new staff mesti kena macam tu kan?

Ok, it wasnt only that actually.

Aku igt pasal single but not available ni dah habis isu nya.

But the next day at the office I talked to my colleagues.
One of them suddenly said to me:

"So ko la kan yang semalam tu single but not available"

Ok, fine aku dah blush sorang tapi control la kan. Haha.

"Aah..apsal ek?" Aku sengih je.

Surprisingly, sejak insiden tu status "Single but not available" tu jadi bahan usikan di office.

"Ala..sape suro ko single but not available.."

So everytime kena usik tu aku terpaksa buat muka friendly saja, lagipun it was just an "orientation joke", mungkin.

Why I said single?
--Because Im not married yet.
Not available?
-- Because my heart is taken by Encik Sayang. We both are unofficially booked. Haha. Malu lah. :P

The point is, status anda tu penting rupanya bila dah kerja.

Pssstt..beware with suami orang ok.

Take care, have a good day! :D

Baby, Mahal!

It's Saturday babeh.
Nothing much I did.

Washed my clothes in the morning and went out with Anith and Jannah in the evening, had iftar with the KKB peeps.

While chilling out with Anith and Jannah, I planned to buy contact lense solution and hangers only.
Tapi macam biasa, my "perangai lama" muncul kembali. Haha.
I cant stand seeing clothes yg memikat hati, lantas terbeli 2 baju. A pair of dark brown pants pun saya beli.

Ok, enough.

Semasa beli contact lense solution, ada promotion colour contact lense. RM33 per pair ok! Damn cheap you know..So I bought 2 pairs.

For the Iftar, we got ourselves Pizza Hut. Nyum nyumm..Was craving for spagethi..Alhamdulillah sangat kenyang...At the same time we also ordered baby kailan with oyster sauce from a restaurant. It was RM8 for a very small plate!! Mahal gila ok..Huhu nasib baik sedap jugak..

Encik Sayang is currently busy with some tasks, so I better wait for him to talk about this one matter later on.

Now let me introduce you my new friends in Bintulu.. Hehe


Bambang the experienced engineer. The Pizza Hut was his treat. :)Fizi. He loves to laugh at our stupid jokes. haha
Johannes the ex-journalist with 16 years experience.
Ammar, the proudly married man. hehe

Oklah, gotta go. I need to try dresses I bought. hihi..


Friday 11 September 2009

It's Weekend Again!!

First time pakai coverall kuning ni sebab nak turun plant. Hehe.

ok people, how are you getting on?
Me pretty good la..
It's Friday so weekend is on its way again. Hehe..

Ok, there are a lot of things that made me happy and lent me a big smile today.
  1. I finally managed to borrow a book from the library. Well, one of the catching up process aite? Self-study.
  2. I printed out my e-ticket for raya. Yey!
  3. I had a meeting with the General Manager. He inspired me, a lot! The meeting was held among the new engineering staffs-5 men engineers and 1 woman engineer which is me! He also added that we the new engineers are so lucky to have the opportunity to work here in Petronas MLNG. Why? MLNG is a good place to start working and learning since it has a big and complete plant. Nak cerita benefits working here pun banyak..:)
  4. I texted mommy and we talked about this one personal matter. ehem ehem..
  5. Encik Sayang is currently busy with a program. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, no? Busy2 pun still can wake me up for sahur, thanks dear..:) happy sebab dah 4 hari missed sahur.
  6. Hari ni balik kerja naik kereta, bukan bus seperti selalu. Johannes just got his car so kami dengan happynye menumpang kereta beliau. Yey, lepas ni ada transport nak shopping. haha
  7. I hope I will get my first salary before raya. Hehe..
okla..lagi 32 minutes nak berbuka..


Wednesday 9 September 2009

Ok, Boss!

Ok, today I visited the plant twice! Pagi and petang but petang hanya sessi jalan2 tgk plant. Pergi bersama this one technician. We talked a lot, mainly about working here.
Well, the feeling is er..different and new when you know you are working with someone yg ada lebih banyak experience dari kamu.
Contohnya macam kes aku la.
Im a fresh graduate, a fresh engineer yg memang langsung tak ada pengalaman. (Hence I need to study juga at the same time.)
As an engineer, you are going to have technicians working with you. Generally, since aku ni a fresh graduate dan technician itu pula dh lama kerja..technically Im seeking for his tunjuk ajar la.
My dad dah pesan awal2..although kita ni engineer dan dia technician, tapi jangan buat bodoh sombong. Tanya ja apa yg kita nak tny, or else orang pun rasa lain kan bila kita buat bodoh sombong begitu.
Baik...saya faham konsep tu.

Next, tadi ada majlis iftar di sebuah hotel. Contractor yang belanja my department. Makan free, apa lagi kan? ehehe..

So kebetulan makan depan boss and depan Gilbert. Gilbert is also one of the techinicians, from Kuching.
But before that, lemme tell you something. Most probably I will be attached to the QMI section for my department, QMI engineer-to-be to replace Mrs A, the current young-female engineer.
While looking at Mrs A and me, Gilbert went:

"Memang tradisi kan boss QMI semuanya perempuan". He smiled at us.

He added. "Tapi takpa, bagus2..Hehe.."

I grinned and pandang Mrs A, no words came out except for sengih-sengihan. Hehe.

Honestly I felt honored to hear that but at the same time I know I need to hold the responsibility. Kadang2 macam tak percaya ok, orang pernah ingat aku baru habis SPM tau..Tapi the reality is..Im working sudah..huhu.

Meanwhile, Majlis buka puasa went smoothly and I got tummy ache right after the event.

Okla..that's all for now.

Psssttt...You know..bila aku kerja di Bintulu aku appreciate and thankful to Allah for this one thing: I can go back early, memang ikut office hour ok..hari2 sampai rumah at about pukul 5 ptg...heaven kan? It's good for me and my family in the future since kalau boleh aku tak nak la balik lewat dari Encik Sayang..hehe..
One more thing, Bintulu tiada traffic jam macam KL. lalalala..~:)

(Ceh, dah macam diary harian plak. aiyoyoyo..)

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Kek Mami Jarum

So now lepaking at the cafe again, alone.
Today went pretty well..

I need to report to the Quality Measurement Instrument (QMI) in my department. So I got the chance to go to the plant. FOR THE FIRST TIME .

I worn the yellow coverall for safety reason and it is compulsory to wear it when you work in plant.

I followed Encik Rahim, the Gas Metering sifu to have a little bit of explanation about the gas metering. So yeah, not bad la..

After that headed off to SCM Meeting Room 1 to attend a vendor presentation. Diaorang jual sensor. Since Im still new of course la agak blur and I could hardly concentrate sebab TERLALU super mengantuk semasa presentation. Tapi untuk cover mengantuk yg extreme tu, I finally asked them a question. Kurang sikit.

Lepas presentation terasa macam tak ada kerja, naik office kejap and turun ke surau and waited for zuhur.

I was really really tired actually. No particular reason, tapi yg jelasnya masa dalam surau my body temperature raised dramatically and I felt weak. Muka dah merah dan panas. Aku macam tiada mood nak ckp dengan anyone pun tapi terpaksa juak senyum kan. Cuba borak2 dengan orang lain juak and terasa lega sikit.

Plus, last night I went to bed EARLY, as early as 9ish. After talking to him, memang terus tidur and terjaga again at 12am and I texted Encik Sayang. Suddenly he called but I coudnt recall what I said to him. Sah mamai2 sudah..Haha..But I think he understand that I was really tired and couldnt stay up late.

ok back to my office story. Remember I told you about kek lapis sarawak? Today I managed to order 2 biji kek lapis. Yey! Ordered it from this one kakak. But harga dia macam wth..melayang kot duit..Hehe..but I hope it will worth the while since kalau nak ikutkan aku memang tak reti bake the cake pun, better beli jek.

So kek berharga RM85 (kek lapis ice cream vanilla) and RM100 (kek lapis mami jarum. hey, note the name. wth kan nama macam tu tapi cantik gila. haha)..Nama kek pun tak boleh blah ok..mami jarum tapi rupa cun la..colourful sgt2..Hehe..

So far duit sgt byk habis, sudahlah gaji bulan ni tak sure lagi sempat dapat before raya or not. If sempat, yabedabeduu!!..But I dont think so la..macam tak sempat jek..So adik2, penting ok untuk simpan duit before u graduated. Sebab before and masa mula2 kerja mmg guna duit byk..
Huhu..If tak sempat dapat gaji for this month sorry to say duit raya for my adik2. Hehe.:P

Ok, I think my bed is calling. Penat ok..nak baca2 sikit pasal Analyzer, iron tudung and ZZZzzzzz..

goodnyte people..

Friday 4 September 2009

Pregnant 7 Bulan dan Kek Lapis Swak

Ok, today I missed my sahur again although Encik Sayang sudah call and woke me up. Luckily I ate KFC last night. Konon2 supper la, habis jadi belon kalau tiap2 malam supper KFC yg berlemak tu. (tau takpe).

Last night I browsed through Liza's blog. She is currently working in KL-Exxonmobil. But I heard that she might be going to offshore. Hehe. FYI, saya tidak bekerja di pelantar minyak ya..So Encik Sayang sudah mendapat kelegaan di situ. Hehe..

Saya hanya akan turun ke plant saja..Kalau saya kerja dengan Petronas Carigali, most probably akan ke pelantar minyak dan mencari2 gali minyak yg ada..Lalala~

I was thinking some facts about me that I need to spill them out here..Hehe

Check them out babeyh!

  • Working with MLNG doesnt require me to dress up since I just need to wear MLNG's baby blue uniform or the yellow coverall in case I need to go to plant. So no heels, no need to worry about what to wear today and bla..bla..bla..pakai uniform sudeyh, tudung tak dak batu bersinar2 pun tak apa..hehe..But hey, I still can dress up but only on Friday la..So di situ saya sudah dapat save duit..Dahla kat sini traffic tak jam pun, drive pun tak stress..Baju baru tak perlu beli banyak pun as Bintulu tiada banyak "godaan" untuk shopping..Hehe..Kalau saya kerja di KLCC mungkin banyak godaannya..Perlu dress up lagi..hehe
  • I need to find a pair of black shoes with 1" heels. Bukan apa, currently Im wearing my 2" hi-heels yg memang agak terseksa although the shoes are comfy, but cuba bayangkan if I need to wear them EVERYDAY!?
  • I need to catch up a lot for my job, reading some literatures will do. Simple example, my company banyak guna acronyms. Contohnya department saya hanya dipanggil as ENC 3. Haaa..what on earth is that? It stands for Engineering Department Centre-Instrument. Apart from that, I need to analyse the organization of my department since I need to know which section I might be going to. So far saya suka kerja dengan Mr Asfa, my very understanding boss. Dahla sangat baik hati, he seems to understand me a lot as Im not from Petronas background. Lalala..~
  • Saya rasa I was meant to travel a lot kot..and I can easily widen my friends networking since semalam masa program Sentuhan Kasih tu, sudah dapat ramai kawan baru..yg masing2 orang Kuching..Lepas ni boleh la jalan2 around borneo and I cant wait to have udang salai Sarikei..walaweh sedap..!!~~ tapi semalam kawan baru dari Kuching tu cakap udang salai Sarikei dalam RM60 sekilo. Gilak mahal ok..Tapi kalau dh kempunan tu sanggup kot..huhu..
  • Saya sanggup berkorban untuk tetap pulang beraya, tak tahan lagi..ehhe..since it has been 4 years tak pulang beraya, I rather spend RM762 just for raya flight ticket..Tu pun dh kira murah sebab balik on the first raya, kalau balik on the 19th..tiket raya sudah jadi RM1000 dan lebih2 lagi..huhu..gilak ok..FYI, saya belum dapat gaji ok..tapi sudah kena spend that much tapi mommy and Encik Sayang said..tak apa lah..sabar sikit..susah2 dahulu..Huhu..I love them..
  • Saya rasa mahu beli kereta bila sudah stabil nanti, tapi mahu kereta biasa2 saja..Hari tu berangan nak Toyota Prius yg harga RM175 000 tuh, tapi dream on la saja..Mahal sgt kotttt...Juga berangan mahu Honda Jazz atau abg2 Honda yg lain..Honda City ka..tapi itu rasanya tunggu lah dulu..baru kerja dah mahu kereta mcm tuh..too early for me..Kereta boleh turun harga, tapi properties like rumah and tanah..harga akan naik..Think babe..think..As for me, I'd rather spending money on buying a comfy and nice house..:)
  • Saya sedang download lagu2 raya..and still..for internet saya perlu lepak di cafe dekat dgn guesthouse..ada air cond so no problem at all..Hehe
  • Kakak is pregnant 7 bulan, beliau mengidam kek lapis sarawak..So lepas ni operasi mencari kek lapis Swak lah..Nyum2..
  • Encik Sayang is soooooooo the berry sweet..Sanggup beli broadband sebab nak online dengan saya..Huhu..Thanks hunny bunch..:)
Ok people..nak upload pictures sebentar..Hehe..Later!

Sentuhan Kasih, Cikgu!

Miss spending time with her
salam and hi people!
today i declared myself as penat gilak gilak since the whole day ada program Sentuhan Kasih dengan anak2 yatim but I missed my sahur. Huhu..

I didnt go to the office today, tak sempat di samping sgt penat.

How was the Sentuhan Kasih program? Basically the program will involve some of the Petronas staffs from Asian Bintulu Fertilizer (ABF) and Malaysia Liquified Natural Gas (MLNG Sdn Bhd). Mereka akan adopt the kids, say sorang akan ambil sorang kid. What would they do next? Like today, they brought the kids and went shopping. So happy to see the kids yg muka masing2 sungguh excited, banyak baju raya yang foster parents diaorang belikan. Ada yg cuba buli aku dengan speaking Bintulu baiiikkkkk punya and obviously aku tak faham sebab bahasa Bintulu lagi susah hehe..

On the other hand, aku dan Jannah dah sebak tengok some of the anak2 yatim..Beg sekolah and kasut sekolah sudah lusuh..Huhu..Ada yang ckp kakak/abang diaorang tak dapat further studies ke sekolah bagus2 sebab tak ada duit..Kasihan kan? So the least I can do tadi was..I entertained them, talked to them and taught them some things about life la, about the outside world. Cewah2..Hehe..

The funny part was when Jihan, one of the anak2 yatim called me cikgu. Sikit2 call me cikgu, tersasul katanya. Hehe..tapi memang pun aku pernah teringin nak jadi cikgu or lecturer ;)
On the way hantar mereka balik rumah, Jihan and Bibi Najiha sempat lagi mintak no phone aku. Hehe so cute.

Wasnt that bad, enjoyed seeing the kids. Hehe.

Ok, hari ni macam hari emosional. I told mommy about the Sentuhan Kasih Program and she was glad I joined it.

Meanwhile, I miss Encik Sayang yg jauh tu so much..
Sorry if lately my writing macam banyak cakap pasal Encik Sayang..huhu..I just feel like writing about him as if he would read it. He definitely will if he had the chance. Why I said so? Because he used to read my blog almost everyday..Lalala..~Hehe..
It's unbearable to be miles apart from him, but I need to be well prepared since he will leave in 2 months time which mean we are going to be thousand miles apart with additional time difference. Sigh..sabar je la..

Ok peeps, tomorrow is Saturday, an awaited moment though. Boleh lepak the whole day and tidur banyak2..haha..:P

Oh ya, I bought my raya ticket already. Jangan terkejut ok, aku akan beraya pertama dalam flight since flight aku ke KL is on the 20th Sept at 1135am. First day raya kan? From KL I will catch a flight to Penang, arrival at 920pm. Technically, my first raya akan 'burn' dalam flight dan di airport saja..Huhu..tak apa lah, sacrifice sikit. Cant wait to spend Syawal with family and him. Lalala...~

take care people. daaa..~~

"If a tear drops into the ocean, the day I found it is the day when I will stop missing you.."

Thursday 3 September 2009

Kamek Rindu Kitak Juak

Sayang, kamek rindu kitak juak. Kamek jauh, kelak kitak jumpa ok?~ first attempt to speak like a Sarawakian.
Ok people, mari reply segala comments in the previous entry.
Thanks for your concern.

Boleh ka mahu bahasa kan diri as Aku in this entry? Hehe..

Okla, aku stress sgt2 lately..serabut pun ada jua..Sebab tiket balik raya belum beli..Sebab aku tak tahu lagi aku boleh dapat cuti raya sampai bila..

Nak beli MAS tiket sudah habis, Air Asia yg agak sengal itu plak operator asyik busy and I heard that you can no longer book via phone call (Air Asia).

So kena pergi ke kaunter Air Asia sendiri or guna travel agent.
But the thing is, mana lah aku pernah keluar sendiri ke Bintulu town tu.
Selalunya driver dari office yg akan bawak keluar during the office hour. Best ok, semuanya driver company yg akan bawa, heaven juak kan? Tapi biasalah, new staff mesti layanan mahu bagus. Hehe.

Ok apa lagi mauk crita ya..
Dah masuk hari ni, dah 3 hari aku kerja.
FYI, new staff untuk batch aku ada 4 orang saje, hence kami agak rapat. Aku, Jannah, Ammar and Johannes.

Ironically, aku rasa happy sudah bila start to know orang2 di sini.
Macam agak janggal bila kita panggil HR just by their names. Say nama dia Rashid, no Encik2 sudah. Just call him Rashid. HR staff pun dah jadi member, boleh joking sana sini.

Hari ni pula first time aku di bawa masuk ke department tempat aku kerja. Maka jumpa lah dengan manager aku dan rakan2 seangkatan. Mereka macam sempoi2 gitu, awal2 sudah buat lawak tak larat gelak. Macam biasa, dalam department aku hanya ada 4 engineer perempuan termasuk aku.
So tadi boss dah kenalkan aku pada rakan2 sekerja, malu lah..hehe. Segan gitu sebab everytime org tny "sape tu?" they would reply: "new staff".

Office hour aku di Bintulu ni adalah 730am-430pm. Bes apa, bangun awal, balik awal. Heaven weh..Hehe

Apa lagi mau crita ek..

Oh I feel so lucky for having new friends from different background. Johannes was a finance journalist with 16 years of experience, Ammar is a Yokohama graduate, Jannah pula UTP graduate. Semua hebat2 lah, everyday akan buka puasa sama2 sambil share cerita msg2.

So far aku rasa happy tinggal di sini, cuma stress lah untuk belakangan ni. Tak pa, nanti problem tiket tu akan settle. Encik Sayang was always there for me whenever I need a best friend, thanks my dear..kangen berabis sama kamu:)..

After all, Bintulu wasnt that bad pun..
I wouldnt mind staying here for years, as long as Encik Sayang ada dengan aku. But not now la..the time will come..InsyaAllah..

Aku agak stress juak bila internet tiada, susah tau mahu beli tiket semua tu..Huhu..
Nak blogging pun tak boleh :P

Like now, aku lepak di satu restoran di Kidurong Club. Ada wi-fi, heaven gak la. Sempat jugak berbaik2 dengan pakcik yg jaga restoran ni, dia boleh tolong aku beli kan tiket flight. Thanks pakcik.

Ish..ish..I just realised ayat aku tunggang langgang terabur rabur..
sorry ok, tak boleh nak arrange everything accordingly..Huhu..

Ok lah, nak melihat2 tiket..

Esok jumaat, aku cuti. Yuhu! Tapi kena pergi office juak sebab mahu mintak Boss sign surat minta cuti raya..lalalala..~

Later ok..
banyak lagi mahu crita..;)

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Malam Pertama yg Terganggu-Bintulu Mode



